Tuesday, October 15, 2013

The Big Picture

One of my favorite past times when I'm somewhere just killing time is to people watch.

I'ed like to think that over the years I've gotten pretty good at observing things a little better. Especially since my accident. I've gotten better at viewing things not just on thour side but on the outside as well.

One thing I've become aware of, is that everyone of us, regardless if we think we don't do this, live in our own little personal bubble. I know I do. However, we forget that sometimes the actions that seam meaningless to us  as indivuals have a major impact on others around us.

So when we're confronted because of our minor, or what we think are our minor, mishaps, it's perfectly normal to go on the defense. Mainly because in our world, we really didn't do anything wrong. Just for a second though- if you look at your self on the outside looking in and even place yourself  in the other indivuals shoes- I mean really try to see from their prospective, things may look a little different. Perhaps you see now, that majority of the issue was you, and not them.

And guess what, YOU were in the wrong.....not only can you admit that (which is extremely difficult to do sometimes) but you can begin repairing that which you tarnished.

I've harped on this subject and will more then likely continue to do so until I can accept that this is just something that people do.

My advice to you today, is to really really look at the big picture of things. From your point and from whom ever else's point. Though it pains you to know it was you in the wrong, be the bigger person and admit to your wrongs, and most importantly GROW from them.


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