Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Reality, tv shows, madness, and self esteem

Reality TV, how silly you are to me.
Though I find myself getting sucked in from time to time
by your crazy debauchery.
From House wives, to tour buses, bar rescues and more,
 guilty pleasures to me, but nothing more.
Why, one might might ask,
I'll tell you my friend.
Seeing craziness ensue...
sometimes isn't so bad.
I think about my life,
and the people around,
craziness like what I see on TV,
is no where to be found.
So watching these shows is truly
a guilty pleasure at best, also
a self esteem booster,
I mean, have you seen some of those hot mess?

We all have guilty pleasures. Whether it's indulging in ice cream,  taking long baths, late night snacks, fuzzy socks,  you name it and it's probably a guilty pleasure of somebody. Mine just happens to be really horrible reality shows. You know the kind I'm talking about, people getting in verbal fights for the most ridiculous reasons,  pointing fingers at one another, uncovering scandalous revelations that aren't really that scandalous at all. I think I painted the picture for you. Yes, that is my guilty pleasure.  The main reason why it is such a guilty pleasure is because seeing these people getting aggravated over the pettiest things, makes me feel really good about myself and those around me. I'm no angel, but I feel like a saint after I watch some of these reality shows.

My point is, everyone has their own guilty pleasure, the one little thing that lets them release a little bit of steam and just indulge for a little while. I think a guilty pleasure, in a way, is a sort of escape.  Your brain turns off for a little while and you just enjoy.

The other guilty pleasure I have, and I'll admit it, I like stupid pop music. That's right I said it, with certain pop songs, I go into another world and just let go for a bit, and the best part is it's perfectly OK.  Whatever pop song I'm listening to, I can shut down, unwind,  and as I sing-along, I one, think I'm the best singer of all time (I'm really not) and two, enjoy the moment for all it's worth.

Before we are really knee deep into the holidays, go indulge in your guilty pleasure for a sec. So...what's your guilty pleasure?


Monday, November 28, 2016

Holiday bliss...or madness?

The Monday after the Thanksgiving weekend isn't exactly a walk in the park. After counting down the days leading up to Thanksgiving, having the actual day, followed with the days after that, we are thrown  into a world spin of eating way to much, crashing on the couch all day, seeing friends and family, traveling, and eventually gathering up all the energy we can to make it to this day...The Monday after Thanksgiving weekend.

I commend you all. Most of us wish we were still on the couch, but never fear. Christmas or the "holidays" are fast approaching. You'll get to be lazy on the couch all over again.

With all the holidays underway and New Years literally right around the corner, we have time to look back on our year along with utilizing the time we have left. The year is not quite over yet, so any last minute self affirming steps you've been trying to make or things you need to accomplish before 2016 ends, you can absolutely do. Even though our time before the new year is technically pretty short, you can still make an impression. You can still do what you need to do to end this year with a smile, and greet 2017 with open arms and an open mind.

If whatever you are doing or need to do rolls into the new year, then you can consider that a good sign. You ended with a positive note and began the same way. One can definitely get anxious during this time, especially with all the hustle and bustle, even the year coming to a close gives you that butterflies in your stomach sort of feeling. One important thing to remember during this time, is that it is never to late. Interpret that the way you want, but again, "it's never to late."

When you really stop to think about it, we're really not on any specific timeline other than the one we created for ourselves. Personally, I set a timeline for myself to have a book out by Christmas. Did I think it was going to happen? Well, it wasn't really looking that way, and yet, looking at the calendar, I got a boost of confidence because it's not to late. I still have time, and by God, I'm gonna do everything possible to hopefully turn it into a reality.

 Your biggest competition is yourself, and where there is a will, there is a way...so 2016, I plan on sending you off knowing that I tackled what I needed to and start getting my smile ready :)


Wednesday, November 23, 2016

You think this is a game??

"You think it's funny?"
- Seinfeld

I can't believe tomorrow is the day, I mean THE DAY. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving!!! One of those holidays where we're happy, we're sad, we eat to much, we don't eat enough, we enjoy company, we can't stand company, a constant wave emotions and laziness comes over us, and bam! Before you know it, we are knee deep in Thanksgiving! I think I pretty much summed it up. If I left anything out, I'm sure you can fill in the blanks.

Something we need not forget during this time, is that it is indeed a holiday, and there are many out there that find this holiday to be very difficult. It's just a reminder that, you never know who is going through what. Try not to judge a book by its cover and pay attention to the little things. For example, think about that  guy in your office that's really quiet  and seems to have the same characteristics as Eeyore. You know the guy, the one you think can snap at any moment, only, when you think about it, you realize you know nothing about him. Well, maybe he is really lonely and just wants a friend but has no social skills to obtain one. Who knows? You might go and talk to him, next thing you know you guys hit it off, he turns out to be a really  cool guy, and you invite him over for Thanksgiving. Just a thought.

Every now and then I question us as a society. I'm curious to know where our "good will towards your fellow man" went to. Curtsy goes so far, especially when it comes from a place of humility and is sincere. Let's not forget we are all human and something so small and heart felt goes a very long way.

(On a side note, I tried some of the stuffing I'm eating tomorrow and I'm having a hard time keeping my eyes open)

Tonight, think about the art of giving and reaching out to your fellow man. Fear not what you think is, and embrace the possibility of what could or might be. It feels good to open your arms to helping those that look like they may need it. It's Thanksgiving, so give hope, give kindness, and give to those who need a helping hand in their life. 

Happy Thanksgiving 🦃


Monday, November 21, 2016

Ruff start with a pleasant ending

Another Monday, another week, Thanksgiving week to be exact, another reason to get rolling. Personally, I had a pretty ruff start this morning getting my Monday underway. Only now does it seem to finally be in full swing.

Monday's always seem to be a toss up. Some Mondays start off on such a positive note, sometimes they begin with a black cloud hanging over it, sometimes they just simply start the week off and that's that. I've always believed that Monday's are sort of like the blueprint of your week. On this day we decide how the rest of our week looks like, we anticipate specific days to follow and constantly ask ourselves "is it Friday yet?". This week, however, is the exception.

Most people are probably happy it's Monday today, because it's count down to Thanksgiving break. It's only a matter of time until the work week has ended and Thanksgiving break begins. Schools will be closed, businesses will shut their doors for a few days, the couch will be the focal point of the week, with good eating and probably Netflix bingeing  at the top of the agenda.

So now Monday is gradually coming to a close. I hope everyone has survived and has begun prepping for the Thanksgiving break whistle to blow. All you have to look forward to from here on out is waking up, finishing up any loose ends you have in front of you  and before you know it, you'll be on the couch in your jammies with family enjoying hours of  T.V marathons and checking social Media to see what different Thanksgiving spreads your friends are posting (did I nail it?).

Happy Monday, let the games begin! 


Thursday, November 17, 2016

A little Tap tap

Having a server case of writers block, I thought today I could fill your head with some good tunes and fun music videos. I hope you enjoy. Happy Thursday!!!




Wednesday, November 16, 2016


Top of the morning, happy day, nice to see you. Happy Wednesday everyone! I feel as if the weeks just keep flying by.

I have a question for you, how many times have you found it hard to focus? Follow up question, do you ever find it difficult to focus on yourself? Personally, I struggle with staying focused. A few years ago it seemed like my focus was on point. As the years have gone by, my focus seems to get harder and harder to obtain, and I believe I know why.

There is a theory I have about trying to focus. I believe that, if you aren't giving your focus and what you're trying to achieve 110%, then you are constantly going to be wrestling with your focus. You will be in and out all the time and only focus on yourself when you feel like it, and then eventually you'll begin to complain about not seeing results and asking yourself "Why?".

Staying focused is tough. Now I could be wrong, but just from my observations of the world and those around me, including myself, it seems like our focus sky rockets after we have some major life altering incident happen to us. Afterward, we are ready to take this giant step towards focusing on ourselves and what we need to make us happy.  Crazy to think that we have to go through some monumental event to be  jolted back on the focus train.

I'm sure you've heard the expression "you can't love someone else if you don't love yourself" and there is truth to that. Giving yourself only 50% of your focus doesn't get you very far. You wind up always playing catch up to what you want and where you're going. Who needs that? Nobody. But when you believe in yourself and focus, slowly you'll begin to see doors open.

The struggle to focus is real, especially when it comes to you. There is a sense of pride when you focus and achieve what you want. I honestly believe there is no other feeling in this world like it. You know that feeling, that feeling of accomplishment, that feeling that YOU did it. YOU put in all the work, all the hours, all the dedication, all the focus...YOU

Just remember, focusing leads to new beginnings, new opportunities, new paths to go down. It's ok to let your focus wander off every now and then, just don't ever forget it's there, and so are you.


Monday, November 14, 2016

Monday Monday

Hello all and hello Monday. It's hard to open our arms to Monday, but it's here so let's do it to it.

Over the weekend I had a plethora of really good experiences. I think my good experiences were mainly due to the fact, I went into each with an open mind, no expectations, and wound up having a great time.

Throughout the years I've realized something about myself as well as others that are close to me. Whenever I've approached a new situation and I've gone in with expectations, nine times out of ten, they never come to fruition and I am let down. Yet, when I decide to go in with a clear head and take in the experience for whatever it is, I almost always leave with a smile on my face.

It's easy to place pressure on yourself and on new experiences. It's almost like, if A, B, and C are not involved in whatever  new experience your in, then that's it, throw in the towel, it's over and you want to go home. But why not just embrace what is new? Why not step outside of your comfort zone? Who knows, you may actually really enjoy this new experience.

Plans are great. Plans give you a lay out of an event to come, it helps you plan for the future and be prepared. But just like life, plans sometimes change, and sometimes they are completely out of your control. Rather than getting flustered and agitated, embrace this curve ball and roll with it. Expect the unexpected, open your eyes to something new.

When you automatically make up your mind that you will or will not have a good time, you set yourself up for something to go wrong and poof, bad experience. Where as an open mind helps you to find some sort of joy within the experience.

So this week, open your mind up to the unexpected, you never know...something really cool and exciting could be waiting for you right around the corner.


Thursday, November 10, 2016

The Clair De Lune

Music makes me so happy. When I feel sad, mad, or like the world is going crazy (just turn the news on), escapeing into different pieces of my favorite songs seems to be the best solution. For just a few minutes, time stops, worries melt away, and as Jem and the Holograms would say, "it's only me and the music".

I'm a sucker for classical music. I've watched it, listened to it, danced to it, and have a hard time getting sick of it. Granted, it isn't everyone's cup of tea, but different classical pieces always find a way of making my heart skip a beat, and I'm not the only one. Everybody has there own genera of music that gives them comfort and ease along with that one song that always seems to turn there frown upside down.

In 1890 Claude Debussy began composing the Clair De Lune and had it published in 1905. Though it is a fairly popular song, the Clair De Lune is still one of my all time favorite pieces of music. 

The title Clair De Lune means "moonlight" and was actually inspired by a poem. Aside from these fun facts, it is a beautiful piece of music. Every time I ever listen to it, I always feel this wave of calm come over me.

So, this evening, I encourage you to go find music that brings you your utter calm and shut your brain off for awhile. With that said, I hope you enjoy these different video clips of the Clair De Lune. And relaxation begins in 3..2..1



Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Into the great wide open

Tom Petty had a hit song in 1991 entitled "Into the great wide open". The chorus of this song goes:

"Into the great wide open, 
Under them skies so blue. 
Out in the great wide open,
A rebel without a clue."

I've already heard at least a hundred different conversations this morning in regards to last nights election. I feel this chorus sums up what these conversations pretty much depicted. But I am not going to talk about politics. One reason why is because I don't have that much knowledge on the subject and two, because I'd rather blog about something else. I've decided to share a story with you.

Eight years ago, there was a girl who wanted to follow her dreams of performing. She had worked her whole life to become a performer. She could sing, she could act, and she could dance. All she ever wanted in life was to be on stage and perform. Then, something unexpected happened and her dreams were interrupted. All the years of work  she had spent dedicated towards her dreams, she now found herself having to start all over again. She was now back at the beginning. She almost thought about throwing her dreams out the window, they had been taken away so fast. Why would she go through all that work again? What was the point? Then she realized she had the answer, and it was simple. They were still her dreams. She had made them come true once, she could just as easily do it again, and she did. Little by little, step by step, she started rebuilding her dreams. They were slightly different now, but they were hers. She continues to keep dreaming, and never looks back. Possibilities in her future is all she ever sees.

We will never be able to rewind the clock on life, not in our life, in others lives, or even major events that happen around us (natural disasters, mass shootings, major financial disasters, etc.). We can't go back, it would be nice, but it's not realistic. 

So, if there is no such thing as rewinding the clock back, then why not move forward? 

It's scary to move forward, same with change. When you get used to something for so long, and you get comfortable, those two things don't seem to really fit into the equation. Although, moving forward in the face of change is huge, and it can be exciting if you open your mind to it.  Sure there will be a few trial and errors, but you keep moving forward. 

The future is unknown. There is no time machine or Crystal ball that can take us back to what once was, but taking that first step forward, that my friend, that right there is the beginning of whatever great destination lies ahead for you, and trust me it's out there and ready to embrace you with open arms. 


Wednesday, November 2, 2016

A new beginning

Well October came and went. I didn't write at all last month. I wrote one entry and that was about it. Crazy right? Therefore, I am looking at this month as a new beginning.

A new beginning is something that happens throughout our lives. We can get comfortable in our daily routines, then something comes along to interrupt that, and before you know it you find yourself starting fresh, a..."new beginning".

New beginnings can bring a plethora of emotions . They can be exciting, nerve racking, scary, fulfilling. It's really all about how you choose to look at it. Since there are options you can go shopping around on  how you wish to treat or feel about your new beginning. Perhaps you want to go about it in a abrasive way. You might chose to shun all that is new, disgauard your new surroundings, close your doors to any change. Or you can take another route, and look at the brighter side of your new beginnings. You can embrace the new, discover yourself and your new surroundings. Open your arms to new experiences, new way of viewing things and the relationships around you.

Whatever it is you choose, just remember to choose wisely. If you prefer to have a black cloud over you and approaching this, YOUR, new beginning, no one is stopping you. But I garentee you that you won't be happy. Especially if you're hanging on to what once was. Remember, the past is the past for a reason, and although the future is unknown, and a tad scary, so is holding on to the past. It can just cripple you if you allow it. That's why we have memories to always help parts of our past stay alive.

So new beginnings can be scary, so can a lot of other things. Break the walls of fear, stop making excuses, and take that first step towards the new. You'll be surprised at what you find...
