Monday, November 28, 2016

Holiday bliss...or madness?

The Monday after the Thanksgiving weekend isn't exactly a walk in the park. After counting down the days leading up to Thanksgiving, having the actual day, followed with the days after that, we are thrown  into a world spin of eating way to much, crashing on the couch all day, seeing friends and family, traveling, and eventually gathering up all the energy we can to make it to this day...The Monday after Thanksgiving weekend.

I commend you all. Most of us wish we were still on the couch, but never fear. Christmas or the "holidays" are fast approaching. You'll get to be lazy on the couch all over again.

With all the holidays underway and New Years literally right around the corner, we have time to look back on our year along with utilizing the time we have left. The year is not quite over yet, so any last minute self affirming steps you've been trying to make or things you need to accomplish before 2016 ends, you can absolutely do. Even though our time before the new year is technically pretty short, you can still make an impression. You can still do what you need to do to end this year with a smile, and greet 2017 with open arms and an open mind.

If whatever you are doing or need to do rolls into the new year, then you can consider that a good sign. You ended with a positive note and began the same way. One can definitely get anxious during this time, especially with all the hustle and bustle, even the year coming to a close gives you that butterflies in your stomach sort of feeling. One important thing to remember during this time, is that it is never to late. Interpret that the way you want, but again, "it's never to late."

When you really stop to think about it, we're really not on any specific timeline other than the one we created for ourselves. Personally, I set a timeline for myself to have a book out by Christmas. Did I think it was going to happen? Well, it wasn't really looking that way, and yet, looking at the calendar, I got a boost of confidence because it's not to late. I still have time, and by God, I'm gonna do everything possible to hopefully turn it into a reality.

 Your biggest competition is yourself, and where there is a will, there is a 2016, I plan on sending you off knowing that I tackled what I needed to and start getting my smile ready :)


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