Tuesday, October 20, 2015

October 20, 2015 National Face Your Fears Day

You MUST face your fears to excel from where you are in life See work from home ideas ~~>http://www.myownboss.ws/<~~:

This is not a joke, I repeat, NOT A JOKE. This is real!! Today, October 20, 2015:


Here's what I found out about the holiday according to http://www.giftypedia.com/National_Face_Your_Fears_Day :

About the Holiday

National Face Your Fears Day is a day to help people identify, face and overcome their fears. Many people are held captive by their fears, this day is to encourage people to discover more about themselves, and the ways to overcome their fears. Today is about courage, facing your fear and taking control. 

Why Facing Your Fears Diminishes Them Immediately. — KellyOlexa.com:  

30 Funny Illustrations about Simple Truths of Life via Art & Psychology. Pinned by www.drmelindadouglass.com | #psychology #humor:

I couldn't have said it better myself. I think this holiday is perfect for this month, especially since Halloween is right around the corner with thanksgiving and Christmas close behind.

 john kenn mortensen:

Face your fears! Be not afraid! You can do it!!

Face your fears quote with elephant and mouse illustration via www.Facebook.com/GleamOfDreams:  

Fear is all in our minds,, Learn to Trust God and Let it Go.. -dyn:
