Wednesday, May 28, 2014


 Le Penseur (The Thinker) detail  Auguste Rodin...(My grandpa always said "He's trying to remember where he put his clothes".)

I hope I'm not alone when I say, throughout each day I have a plethora of thoughts just going from one to the other. That, and the fact that I have serious ADD. For me, getting off track is very easy to do.

The last few weeks have been filled with ADD moments that have caused me to jump off the track. I've been slacking on this blog, my workouts, my work, and other things. There are so many distractions in the world, but using them as an excuse isn't really doesn't fix things or help you out.

So after coming to this realization a few days ago, my next thought was to get back on track, so I can keep moving forward. It isn't exactly the easiest thing to do. But, I sucked it up, and began the process of getting "back on track."

I'm not gonna lie, it feels pretty good. Staying idle doesn't work for me. If I sit still for too long, I go crazy. It was like this before my accident, and now it's even more heightened. That's probably due to the fact I pretty much laid in a bed for six months. I'm guessing that's it.

However, this go around is a little different because of my spinal cord injury. I'm unable to just get up and go. It takes me a little longer, but I do it. God, there are so many times I just want someone to do everything for me, but where's the satisfaction in that? Therefore, despite how long it takes me to "get back on track", when I get back to that place, it makes it all worth it.

Since I was granted the gift of life again,I might as well utilize it in a positive way, right? Many of you can relate. If all we have is this one life, let's DO something with it. What that is and what you want is up to you and no one else. Don't forget that.

Last night, I went ahead and made a list of what needs to be done, and how I'm going to do it. There was a bit of excitement looking at it this morning. Like "look at me getting it", I gotta be my own coach in order to make things happen. Go team Nicole (I have to tell myself that sometimes)! A nice sense of accomplishment is a pretty gratifying feeling. We all know that feels like, especially when you look back and see all the amazing things that you've done. 

Amongst all the different thoughts going through my head, there is one reoccurring thought I really like. That thought is remembering that today only happens once. After today, I'll never experience this again, so I must MAKE the MOST OF TODAY and each day after that. It's almost like I have an internal alarm that goes off in the morning to remind me.

So, those have been the thoughts in my head the past couple of weeks. RIght now, my goal is learning how to be more involved in social media. In fact, I just joined SNAPCHAT. If anyone interested, my username is: nicoleemarquez . Please follow "My Story".

Well everyone, it's back to work, and work feels good.


Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Thursday, May 22, 2014

busy busy

Lordy, lordy. I have been on the go 90 to nothing. So, forgive me if this post is brief, but I'm leaving you with some words of love:


Monday, May 19, 2014

Oh the internet

It's ridiculous how some people have to update their Facebook status about every little thing they do and who they're with. They think they have lives But they really don't...3 words : Get a life!


I was in New Orleans last week, awaiting a phone call about being an extra in a film. While I was waiting, the Internet where I was, decided it just didn't want to work and go down for the day. Or at least, that's what it felt like. Then, one day without Internet, turned into a entire week without Internet. Not fun.

While I was waiting for the Internet, and mainly the guys fixing it to work, I was hit by the thought of just how much we as a society rely on technology. The days of talking face to face have, to a degree, been replaced with computer screens, skype, FaceTime, and then some. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but I do enjoy actual face to face time.

My senior year of college, I was ready to tackle the theater and dance department by storm. Little did I know just how ironic my thought process would be. My first week as a senior in college was followed by a pretty horrific storm. The storm being an actual Hurricane. You may of heard of it, it was a hurricane by the name of "Katrina". Yep...

The University of Southern Mississippi, where I attended, is only about an hour and a half away from New Orleans. While I had been in school, we had our fare share of hurricane warnings. Almost every time we would have a scare, the school would shut down for a few days, with nothing happening, other then the sky looking dark and maybe some heavy rain. That's it. So, students always looked forward to hurricane scares because that meant an automatic two day vacation during the week.

The news did it's usual thing, warning all to be safe and prepared. Which of course, everyone shrugged off, until the day before Katrina actually hit. That's when we heard that this wasn't our usual gray sky, rainy day hurricane. It was a category 5. The BIG one.

Madness soon took over Hattiesburg (the town the school is in). Getting out of town looked impossible. Plus, the car I was driving at the time didn't really have any juice. So, I ended up staying with my dance professor, her friend, and at least 12 cats in a nice little/big bungalow in Hattiesburg.

Katrina hit, and she hit hard. The next few days were memorable ones. Everything was down. Phone lines, computers, television, anything dealing with technology was out. Any communication to anyone didn't exist, and there was no way to know when it would.

That's when it dawned on all of us, just how much we rely on technology. We were able to find an old radio that worked, and lucky we found one station that was functioning and giving updates just about every hour on the hour. After that, a different world opened up.

Different neighbors from around began coming out and helping one another. My professor had been living where she was for years and was just now meeting her neighbors, and the same on their end. Together, we all moved broken branches and trash from the streets. We were finding out more about the storm others had learned. We became a community of communication. Helping one another automatically became human nature. There was no Facebook stalking to learn about one another, we just talked to one another face to face.

Without YouTube videos and movies to entertain us, there was conversation and reading. Yes reading. My professor luckily had a plethora of books. So entertainment was found. Because in a book, there are no lights, no music, no actors, just you and your imagination painting this picture in your head.

Since we couldn't get on the Internet to learn how to do specific things, we had to ask and talk to one another to figure things out. Again, people were willing and offering their knowledge and skills to help in any way. After about two weeks, things got back to a working order and school was back in

I have a love/hate relationship with technology. I love it for the unbelievable amount of information it possess and its helpfulness, though I do hate it for the wedge it does put between actually meeting another individual face to face. It's not the easiest thing to do, but it is possible. 

Since that crazy Katrina summer, I haven't had another experience come along quite like that one. By that I mean, I haven't had another experience come along where folks around me are as personable and are just willing to go out of their way to meet you and want to build a sort of community with one another. Lets hope that it won't take another storm to hit in order to make that happen.

That's my spill about my experience without technology. I guess that leaves me with a question. Have you ever had a long extended period of time without the Internet or a cell phone? If not, think you can manage a few days without?


Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Oh me, oh my, how time flies by

now open your eyes and embrace each day.
Once again, I had to remind myself that it's May. It's MAY! When did that happen? I feel as if February was only a few weeks ago.

Even though Mother Nature has been very funny with the weather, I do feel as if the last few months flew by.

Isn't it crazy that we take so many days for granted? Then before you know it, you're staring at the calendar realizing just how fast time has gone by? Some may agree, some may disagree with these questions. Either way, we've all been in this boat.

When your busy, it's easy for time to go by as fast as it does. When your not busy, you may feel as if your just floating. No productivity is going on, no goals to be met, no desire to do anything. Even with nothing going on, time can still slip through your fingers. Do you really want that?

I promise you
Preaching, I'm not.
Only a question I ask,
To help you give it much thought.

You're better then you think you are.
Even if,
You don't own a car.

If you find yourself busy all the time,
Stop every now and then.
Embrace the pause button,
Relax, and unwind.

Floating through life?
No ambition to move?
Well pony up man,
Get up and groove!

After today, you'll never see it again.
Gone forever
The day not only leaves
But it wins

So prove it wrong!
Make the most of the day.
Savor the moments
Strive to make the most of each day.
We owe it to ourselves,
Hip hip,


Tuesday, May 6, 2014

You are about to enter your next chapter...

I hope everyone had a good Cinco De Mayo! Nothing like good Latin food, music, and a holiday to get the week started!

 The Monkees - early happy Cinco De Mayo.

I was having a pep talk with myself about getting back on track and keep moving forward, while I was cursing the web. Then I came across this quote:

"The things you are passionate about are not random, they are your calling." - Fabienne Fredrickson #quote 
Which is exactly why I titled this blog what I did. You do realize we all have a calling? Now, what your calling is? That's something that only you know. As far as when you find it, well that's something I couldn't tell you. This is why it is so important to know that there is always a chapter ahead and waiting for you. You may have found your calling early in life,  you may find it later in life. Doesn't matter. You'll find it when you find it, and when you do, it will be one of the most interesting chapters in your book of life.

So, don't fret. Remember, it's not about reaching your destination, it's the journey to get there. That's where the real story takes place. Whatever your calling may be, I hope it is a good one and ultimately makes you happy.


Friday, May 2, 2014

"Love thy neighbor"

Watch this, you'll see what I mean

I love people. I love meeting new people. I especially enjoy striking up a conversation with complete strangers. Now mind you, not everyone I come across has the same excitement I do when it comes to chit chat, but I look at it as a challenge and one I'm ready to tackle.

Have you ever seen in commercials or read in a magazine that slogan that goes, "Kindness. Spread it around?" I think that's a pretty powerful statement. Same as "love thy neighbor as you would love thy own self."

I was so fascinated with that quote and its meaning, I started doing research on it. Did you know that in over 20 different religions have a version of "love thy neighbor as you would love thy own self?" In other words, this statement is 100% universal. However, do we all play it out? We both know the answer to this question, and sadly it starts with an

It's our jobs as humans to grow together. Make this place in which we live more harmonious. That's not always the case, but it's possible.

When I had my fall in New York, I was on the ground for eight hours before being discovered. I was found by the superintendent of my building. He could have just seen me lying there, and thought, "I'm not messing with that," but instead, he went next door and called 911. He and I are from two opposite sides of the tracks. But we have something in common, we're human and if we see someone in need, we help. That's what we would want if it were the other way around.

So, you are your own person, you will make your own decisions, but try paying it forward. "Love thy neighbor as you would love thy own self." Karma can  be a good thing, or it can be a killer. Imagine being in the shoes of those you pass by. Most importantly- would you like YOU if you saw how you act towards others? Strangers? Just a little something to think about.
