Thursday, October 10, 2013

Meeting yourself

You know, I've posted this quote on my Facebook page before, but I truly mean it. The quote/question I post is very simple: "If you were to meet yourself, would you like you?". I feel this is a valid question and definitely something to think about.

First and for most, we're human we aren't robots. We make mistakes and we're not perfect. However, we can strive to be model human beings. You know, decent, honest, kind, supportive and just all around good people.

On a day to day basis, I'm sure we have found ourselves in situations where we, along with other individuals, don't exactly model good qualities. It can deal with vanity, snobbery, unsympathetic, rudeness. I mean, you name it, and I'm sure it's either something we've done, seen, or experienced. Definitely not some of our finer moments, but they've happened. I bring this up because I myself have done some of these things but mainly because I recently experienced it a few days ago.

I was working as an extra on a movie set the other day and it was a scene taking place in a pretty fancy night club. The dress code for guys was a casual yet nice look and for girls, it was an upscale casual look which basically meant pretty cocktail dresses. In this particular scene, we are all on the dance floor dancing to music. Where I was standing, there was a group of very pretty girls. Almost model types. They were dressed very in style, great makeup, hair, everything. I remember thinking, "wow, they're really pretty". About an hour of shooting went by and then we had a 20 minute break to get water, food, go to the bathroom, whatever. So, I was off to the bathroom. While in there, the pretty girls came in and placed themselves right in front of the four mirrors and sinks in the bathroom. I watched as I, along with every other girl in the bathroom had to snake our way to the sink to wash our hands with no help at all from these real life Barbies. In other words, it's as if they were glued to the floor and could not move out of the way. To top it off, they never acknowledged anyone trying to get to the sink only one another as if they where the only ones in there.

On the flip side, yesterday I was working as an extra on another film and again, there was this very pretty almost model looking girl on set. Personally, I enjoy it when someone comes up and compliments me about whatever. Who doesn't like being complimented? So, I went up and told her "Excuse me, I just have to tell you that you are very pretty." All she said was "Thank you", but it was the most sincerest, sweetest, response and I know she genuinely really appreciated the compliment. Throughout the day, I noticed that she was very nice to everyone she met and was very very kind.

So, here we have two sides of the coin. Two sets of gals. I ask you, who do you think would me more satisfied meeting themselves if they were to step outside themselves? My point is, cherish each day, because you don't know if it will ever be your last, but also, live your life as if you're a spectator watching yourself - like, your on the outside looking in. Would you be satisfied with what you watch?
If no, then change it. It's not that hard. Plus, you still have a chance to. Anything is possible if you put your mind to it.

Have a great day. Make it a day where if you were able to press rewind on the day, you know that its going to be a great story with a fantastic ending.



  1. This really made my morning. Thanks, lady!

  2. I enjoyed reading, something to think about thank you.
