Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Logic vs. Reason

Well hello! It's here! It's here! October is officially here!

Ok, I first had to get that off my chest. Now, on to today's post:

Logic vs. Reason

"Logic, logic, and logic.......Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end"
Kirk and Spock

Dare I say, "I agree?". I dare. I agree. I guess today I decided to geek out a little.

For some reason, when I woke up this morning, this was some how on my mind. I haven't watched any Star Trek lately to make me think of this, I just for some reason had this pop in my head. "Logic vs. Reason". It is an interesting concept. For me, when I think of logic and reason immediately I compare this to your brain vs. your heart.

I'm sure you guys are familiar with that. Your head says one thing while your heart says another. Then there's this giant battle of should I or shouldn't I? The logical thing to do would be this______________(fill in the blank), but the reasonable this to do, and what I want to do is________________(fill in the blank). If you've never wrestled with this, consider yourself lucky. If you have, you hopefully are following this.
#StarTrek #Kirk #Spock
So now, your have to decide, do I do what is going to make you happy or do I do what will be the right thing to do? Juggling one vs. the other isn't so easy. Which brings up the question again, "logic vs. reason." Your heart vs. your head. Which one wins? Well there's a different answer for all of us.

There is also a level of sacrifice that will play in some how along with facts that we have to take into consideration as well.  Regardless of what we pick, we have our own battles when thinking of logic and reasoning. So, see Star Trek has it right. It gets us thinking.

When we're faced with this sort of dilemma, we need not fret. Inevitably, we'll weigh our pros and cons and come to a logical OR reasonable solution that works best.

Despite the critiques we give ourselves, we're pretty intelligent creatures. We can find a solution if we really will it and believe it. Kirk and Spock would go back and forth with the way things need or can be taken. Every now and then, there would be a few slip ups, but for the most part, they would equally find the best solution to whatever problem was placed in front of them. This is something we can totally relate to.
Star Trek - Kirk and SpockBe it the "Logical" way or the "Reasonable" way, it's Your way. just remember though, whatever you choose, choose wisely because in the words of Spock:

"history is replete with turning points...you must have faith"


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