Tuesday, October 29, 2013


Happy Tuesday!

Yes, it's true. I have been missing in action this past week. Perhaps I should explain.....

There are times throughout your life when you just sort of checkout for a bit.  You step out of your every day life  and enter this whole other world. A world where communication with others is seldom, your work life takes a pause, and any other business regarding bills, projects, whatever, is just at a stand still for a bit. However,  when you do "checkout", there is always a purpose as to why.

So, I checked out. Why? Because I just went through one of the very most magical experiences. I just attended my cousins, whom I'm very close with, wedding. She is the first in my family to do so. For my family it was a very big deal. On the opposite end, there was also some bad news I received, which all my thoughts, prayers and good vibes were going towards. Two events, two different extremes, two surprisingly amazing outcomes.

When whatever events present themselves in your life, good or bad, I feel that you are personally allowed to checkout. It's as if life gives you this free pass. Life looks at you and says, "hey, this ones on me. Just make sure you come back." That's right. You are definitely allowed to check out for a bit, but eventually you have to come back, and by come back I mean in a reasonable amount of time.

One thing you can't forget is that life still goes on and you're a part of that. Sometimes things happen- and yes, you are just forced to stop, and regroup.  Once we do, and have our time, then it's back to reality time. Think of it as a sort of a give and take situation. Life gives you a free pass to time out for a second and you come back to reality in a reasonable amount of time. That way everybody wins so the next time you need time to checkout, life knows you'll come back and allows you to take a time out again.

So, now you know about my brief  departure. I'm back now and ready to greet reality/life with open arms :)

On a side note, Halloween is right around the corner. Trick or Treat ya'll!


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