Wednesday, October 16, 2013



I had a thought as I woke up this morning.....

 Now I could be completely wrong, or spot on, but, I feel for some of us- when we just need a brief break from life just in general, we can always and most always
resort to music.

Again, I could be totally off. I just feel that music is such a great escape when you just need to clear your thoughts or come back to a better piece of mind. Not to mention, our senses are amazing about hitting so many different emotions, for me- music hits those buttons and can take me, and I know I'm not alone, on one crazy emotional roller coaster depending of course on what notes are played.

Right now- judge me if you must- but I'm playing a guilty pleasure, Chris Brown's "Forever". Say what you will, but it makes me smile, gets me where I need to be mentally, physically, and most importantly in the right state . It puts me where I have a better peace of mind and right where I want to be. Of course this works for me.

Whether your preference is pop, metal, rap, rock, whatever, if it gets the job done for you then that is all that matters.

Then again, there are some folks that work fantastically in silence. For them, silence is music to their ears. Not exactly my cup of tea, but if it works, it works. Ya gotta respect that.

Silence can and is a beautiful thing. Music has my heart however.

What this all boils down to, is your happiness. So go throw on that awesome jam you so need to hear when you're hitting a lull point, clear your mind, get that extra pep in your step back and  go jam out. We all deserve our own jam out session from time to time :)


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