Morning everyone!
Wasn't able to post yesterday because I was being an extra in a film! True story. Whenever you get to be an extra in a film, you might as well leave your phone at home. You're not allowed to bring them on set, and if you are caught with your phone out, you are asked to leave and escorted off the set. Also, be prepared to spend the WHOLE DAY there :) Aside from those things, I think it's pretty freaking cool.
In movies as well as theater, it's fun because you get to play someone else. You get to pretend you're this different person, this "character", which is fun. Even though you get to play this different character, sometimes the hardest role to play is ourselves.
Everyone has a story. Everyone have certain things they do and don't mind sharing. Some of us can put all ourselves right out there for the world to see. Some of us are not so brave, we would rather keep certain things to ourselves and just let the public know what we choose to let them know.
For me, I can admit it..... I'm not perfect. I have many flaws and I dig my flaws. One thing though, is that I don't want to act or pretend I'm something I'm not. I've drank in excess, I've made poor decisions, I've cheated on tests before, lied, I've had my fare share of mess ups, but, I'm not going to pretend they haven't happened. Like I've said before, I'm not perfect. Just like so many of us, I to have had my fare share of skeletons in my closet.
Why do you think we have this almost unspoken obligation to present ourselves as 100% "perfect" to the outside world? I think part of it is because most of us want to be viewed in a positive way rather then a negative way. I mean, we've all made mistakes, it's just a matter of learning from those mistakes and growing from them. However, we can't deny whatever wrong's we've done. Yet, we can grow from them and be the people we wish to be.
Look, what's done is done. Just own it. Yes, you did things you're not necessarily proud of, but you did them, learned from it, and to a degree, it made you the person you are :) There are times I'm sure, where we just wish we had a time machine, go back when and where we messed up, take it back, and move on. Sadly, we have no time machine, we only have today.
Whenever I see celebrities in trouble for wrong doing, especially ones we find squeaky clean and look up to, it's a huge blow to us. Mainly because, we were given this impression that they can do no wrong. This image of perfection. This thrown of no wrong doing. Then, when something shocking comes up, the perfect image we had in our minds is gone. So I say- 1.) if you know what your doing could potentially ruin your image, then don't do it. 2) if you have done something you're not necessarily proud of, own up to it. We should know now, rather the being surprised.
Now we say we do things in our "private life", because it's just that "private", or is it? In this day in age, who knows. I'm just saying, you have flaws? skeletons in your closet? Fear not. Wear your flaws on your sleeve and know at the end of the day, you're still you.
* made mistakes
* not perfect
* flaws
* learning and growing
I dare you to lift back your curtains and be ALL of you today :)