Tuesday, April 1, 2014

"Nobody knows my sorrow..."

LOVE YOU, MAMA - Yes, I'm talking to the one with 57ish nieces and nephews...

" Nobody knows, the trouble I've seen. Nobody knows my sorrow..."

For some reason when I woke up this morning, that song popped in my head. Then again, random songs, moments, thoughts and then some just like to pop in and out of my head when they want.

In a moment of crises, or what we think is OUR own personal crisis, our brains fill with the "why me", "I did great, right?", "why!?!?" thoughts. When our walls seem to be closing in on us, we shut the rest of the world off and focus merely on whatever major dilemma we're going through on our own. After all, we're going through it, and it's our thing.

When this happens we don't think that maybe, just maybe, there is someone else out there that is going through something probably similar or even worse then ourselves. We don't have those thoughts because our problem is much bigger then anything else. Or is it? I mean, is our crisis really that big, or even a real crisis at that?

Of  course, all these are things to start considering when you feel you've hit rock bottom. I always liked and still use, the phrase "it could be worse." I'm sure there are some of you out there that think  "well yeah..It could be worse, but, we're already there." And perhaps you're right. But then again, you have to question, is it really that bad? Is this really the worse? Heavy questions on a Tuesday morning, yet they are questions that we need to  ask to ourselves.

The best part, is that whatever the crisis may be, we don't need to worry to much because we hold the key. We know the solution. The solution may not be exactly what we wanted, but it's a SOLUTION. It's an answer to a question.  Pretty cool right?

I say this not just to you, but also to myself, where there is a will there is a way. Sometimes our problems aren't as big as we think the are. You CAN find a solution to your dilemma. It requires your participation, but it's out there.

There are bridges you can repair, there are personal gains to be made, there are new roads to go down, and we have the ability to do all of those things and more.

Nobody knows your story and your fight better then you. You've got to have your own back. Cover it.

Please remember that nothing lasts forever. You have the ability to turn your frowns upside down, so get cracking

 So Pretty

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