Wednesday, April 16, 2014

"Life is about courage and venturing into the unknown"


It's ours, it's the world's, and it's up to us as to what we do with it. None of us was given a manual on how to live our own lives. We were never told or warned about the mistakes we would make, the bumps we'd hit, or the challenges we would face. We were also never given or told the accomplishments we would make, the milestones we'd hit, or the major life changing events that would come our way.

I don't think life would be fun if we knew all those things before they happened. What would be the point of living? It's an adventure not to know. It's why I get out of bed in the morning. The day is always new and I never know what the day/life will bring me. Good, bad, whatever--I'll take it.

This morning I was checking my Facebook and got this post...

If you've read any of my older posts, you know that I'm a big fan of Pharrell. I have been for awhile. When I saw this video, two thoughts were going through my head (well more like three). One, "thank you mom for posting this", two, "get it Pharrell!," and three, "wow, we all have the ability to make our mark." We do.

We all make a mark on this world. Like it or not, once you're brought into this world, your mark is then made. Yes, when you're born, technically your mark is made, but it isn't really made until you begin to grow. When that happens is between you and the universe. Sometimes it's totally unexpected. Sometimes it's a process. Sometimes it's already determined. Regardless of all this, it's the mark that is important. For when you're gone, you're gone. Then the question is, "what is the mark you want to leave on this world?"

I know that I would be thrilled and honored if I could leave my mark in a positive light. Doing something that doesn't necessarily effect me, but would effect others, and hopefully that something would be good. I just want my mark to be something I can look upon and smile with my face and my heart.

Life is short folks. I talk about this so much, mainly because I almost lost mine. So I feel it's my duty to remind you of life, your life, and how you need to live it and mold it into the best it absolutely can be :)


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