Monday, April 7, 2014


Ahhh...another brand new day.

Last week I had two speaking gigs. One for adults (Blue Cross Blue Shield), and the other for a group of kids (Brandon Elementary 5th graders). Two very contrasting groups. I will say this, I was able to get away with saying "boogers" with each. And I'm not gonna lie, that was pretty cool. Plus, believe it or no, it actually went over well with both groups.

After speaking to both groups, I had both adults and kids coming up to thank me. Both groups had different ways of approaching. The adults weren't afraid  to make there way up to me, the kids were the same. Though when some of them, once right in front of me, sort of froze up a little (adorable). But still, A for effort!

Now, there is a point I'm trying to make. I really was amazed about the effect that was made on both groups. I do have a pretty good story, but still, it blows me away how people can absolutely be effected by something. Including myself.

When I was a kid, I remember speakers coming to my school, and out of that handful, there are definitely specific ones I still remember because of the effect they had on me. Even different people and places I've met and gone to throughout my life. I remember them because of the over all effect they had.

If you went through a catalog of your life, I'm sure you'd have the same thing happen. You'd remember those moments and the effect they had on you. Crazy huh? Funny how we can go back, and remember those things, yet we can't remember where we put our car keys or where we put our favorite shirt.

My point is, if you can remember the effect certain people have made in your life, have you ever stopped and thought of the effect you've made or make on folks? Now, I never said that all those effects were good. When there is an effect made in your head by someone or something, it can be either good or bad. So once again, have you thought about you and how you effect the world?

Everyone, including myself, has had not exactly the best effects on the world. We've had our selfish, diva, bratty, mean, unpleasant moments. And those effects we made when acting out were not exactly the best. I'm sure when they were happening, we also weren't thinking about the effects we were making. I heard once, "people remember the good things you've done, but they remember more about the bad things you've done." Unfortunately, it's true.

From the moment we wake up we are making choices- good day, bad day? And depending on our choice, we are going to have that effect on the people we come across that day. Mainly because ya just never know.

So don't walk on egg shells trying to be perfect. Just be aware that what you do, it does indeed have an effect on someone. What will be your choice today? Make the right one :)


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