Wednesday, April 2, 2014


That's a pretty unsettling title, don't you think? Mistakes? Just the word makes you feel uncomfortable.

We all make mistakes. Good, bad, we make them all. Most of our mistakes lean towards the not so good side, and when we look back at our mistake, we 9 x's out of 10 are filled with regret. Sometimes we refuse to admit we've made mistakes, even though deep down inside, we know we did. The refusal to believe "we were wrong " and actually admitting it to ourselves, let alone others, well, that's something that's hard for anyone. Or is it?

Personally, I don't really enjoy admitting I was wrong or incorrect. I'm pretty sure I'm not alone either. There have been times when I have been so absolutely sure of something, sworn up and down I was right, only to find out, I was completely inaccurate. Of course when learning that I was wrong, my instinct is to go into complete denial . "Well...., whatever. Wikipedia gets things wrong all the time. They probably got that wrong." Knowing, that I was in fact wrong and refusing to admit it. Once again, I know I'm not alone.

Why is it so hard to acknowledge when we are wrong? When we mess up? When we make mistakes? Is it pride? For me it partial has to do with pride, but mainly I just don't like to admit to myself that I was wrong or made a mistake. Throughout the years, I've learned that your never gonna walk a straight line. Meaning, you're going to have a few mistakes in your life. Some you saw coming, some you were blind sided by. But guess what? I'm here to tell you that not all mistakes are bad. So don't run from them, learn from them.

Making mistakes and getting things wrong though out your life is inevitable .  Will you own up to them, learn, and grow from them is the real question. Yes, we hate to make them, and love to turn a blind eye, but we have to face the facts...we messed up. It takes a whole lot of courage and humility to do this. It also gets you respect. Suck it might, but owning it is something to never look down on.

So be brave my warriors, I speak for myself and everyone out there when I say...own it!


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