It's Friday!! Once the week gets rolling, before you know it, it's FRIDAY!
I was thinking, since it's Friday, what would be good to write? After many drafts, and many points that we're leading to dead ends, I decided on a story.
I've wrote in my posts before the importance of enjoying life and cherishing the moments that come with it. This is a story that explains my point.
When I was 20, I went and studied in France for a semester. I left in January and flew home in May. The school where I studied was really cool, it was called the Abbey.

The school was big, full of classrooms and dorm rooms. It was an old monk monastery that was converted into a school for students to come and study abroad.
In the back part of the school was a huge elaborate garden. The garden
almost looked like a maze you might find in an Alice and Wonderland
The school was located in a small sleepy town called Pontlevoy. By sleepy, I mean, everything in the town shut down at about 7:00pm.
I had arrived to the school a week earlier to help prep for the new students coming (my class). In the meantime, a group of young (8-12 year old) Korean musicians were occupying the Abbey at the moment. Apparently, the Abbey is always filled with students from all over. One group comes another one goes, another group comes, another one goes and so on and so on. You get the picture. Along with the Korean students were their very gifted teachers. One was a very well known Korean opera singer teaching opera, another teaching violin, cello, and more. So, if you were to walk down any hallway during the day, you would always hear different pieces of music being played or practiced.
One afternoon, I had finished early and decided to go into town to grab a snack. As I was heading back to the school I began to hear singing. I knew it was the opera teacher rehearsing because she was performing that evening as a treat. My curiosity got me because as I got closer, I realized she was rehearing downstairs in a classroom close to the gardens. It was a beautiful day outside with the sun shining high in the sky and the weather pleasant with a nice breeze rolling in and out. So as I walked up I saw that she had cracked open this giant life size window in the room she was in, and this melodic melody was slowly pouring out this window.
Now, here I am, standing outside this window listening to a professional pianist occupancy this renounced Korean opera singer in France...but then it got better.
As I was listening to this beautiful singer and piano, something caught my eye in the garden. I looked over, and while this beautiful music is going on, six or maybe seven of the Korean students were actually playing hide and go seek in the garden. I'm here to tell you folks that the game of hide and go seek in an international language we all speak. Of course, they weren't oblivious to the music that was playing. It was if they had already decided it would be the soundtrack to their game.

So let's backtrack. Here I am standing in France listening to a Korean opera singer making this beautiful music while watching small Korean children play hide and seek in this amazing French garden, and just when I think it can't be topped, it got topped! So once again, all of this is going on, and I got to tell ya, I'm loving ever second, but then I looked up. No joke, I looked up, and as if someone on a walkie talkie said "cue rainbow", this unbelievable rainbow appeared in the sky! My heart swell and stopped at the same time at just how crazy this moment was that I was in and how I wanted to enjoy and remember every second of this.
After a few more minutes of just being in awe, the song came to and end. The children came to a close with their game and began moving on to something else, and the big giant rainbow slowly faded away.
It's having moments like that and getting to look back at them is exactly why I get up out of bed the next day. It's so worth it.