Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Disaster strikes. What do you do now?

I'm from the south. Tornadoes, Hurricanes, and flooding, they're all something I'm used to. You, as well as the rest of the country, I'm sure, are pretty familiar with what's gong on down here.

Massive tornadoes hit across the south yesterday day and are predicted to make their appearance at least two more times in the next couple on days. For those who have been effected by this, you will have to make a choice. A choice to pickup and move forward, or be angry, stew, and make no progress towards the future.

 Now is the time when your perseverance will and should kick in. The choice is yours. Make yours the best for you.

"When you can't go back, you have to worry only about the best way of moving forward." – Paulo Coelho #quotes #hiking


It's Wednesday indeed, as we all know.
The week is soon to come to a close.
There is a few more before our favorite day.
What would that be?
The lovely Friday.

Giving up before the week ends,
Some may say that would be a sin.
Try not to take the easy way out.
Just giving up on the week,
What's that about?

Easy to do, when Friday is your muse.
I know you can do it, it's possible to do.
One may argue with me,
And probably disagree.
But I've played this tune many times before.
So trust me. Dare you need more?

Make the most of this day, and worry not.
For Friday is near, just give it a shot.
This post is brief, though you get my drift.
Friday is close, so try not to slip.


Thursday, April 24, 2014


 Love this quote. Links to my blog post about overcoming fear of the unknown.

I recently stumbled upon a film which raised my curiosity a bit. Why are we shocked by things we don't actually understand? For example, if I'm pulled up next to someone at a red light and they are blaring something with a loud bass beat from their car, I sometimes loath the next few minutes  I have to wait until the light changes green. Mainly because I assume at least some profanity will soon back it up. Or if someone walks into a meeting and has sneakers with holes in them, shirt torn, smelling bad- shocked yes, but why, the appearance? Sadly, it's true. We completely bypass anything or any senecio in our heads, along with myself.

Did the car next to me have any hard core crap come out it's window? No. It was actually a hard core Christine group, believe it or not, rocking out. I went from shocked, to just accepting I didn't get it, I didn't need to,  and apparently the folks who listen to it do, and all is well. Same with the appearance. I have, and I know I'm not alone, been or have judged things mentally because I was indeed shocked by something I did not even try to know or even wanted to try. Never taking in that perhaps there's a reason for this or can I help?

My point is, as we've grown up, so have our values, logic, and human condition. It has also stayed completely still with no desire for understanding or accepting.

Now, to each their own, however, the brain does likes to learn and expand. It can be whatever, the key is to learn instead of having these pre-formulated thoughts. Will it be your cup of tea? Maybe not, maybe so, but at least you know though, and all is well.

I was in this religion class in high school which was mandatory. The thought of this class was completely unappealing to me because I thought it would be an entire hour of someone just dictating what and how I should believe,pray, and worship a certain way. To much surprise, I was wrong. The entire class was about learning the different religions in the world and appreciating them. They may not be what I or you believe, but there are a certain group of  people out there that do. It was learning to appreciate and respect these different religions without placing our own judgement on them or turning our noses up at them because we didn't understand them.

After that class, I sort of got it. Don't get me wrong, I'm no saint, I have my moments, but they are WAY less heavier then they used to be. I mean they should be, because all is well.


Tuesday, April 22, 2014

It's Tuesday friends

There will be many chapters in your life.  Don't get lost in the one you're in now.

As I sit writing this blog entry, I'm listening to the cool styling of Mr.Rufus Wainwright on NPR's Music Tiny Desk concert. I highly recommend you look this up on YouTube. There is an array of different music artists.  Everything from funky little jam by Yo Yo Ma, Rufus Wainwright, No BS! Brass Band, and then some. Check it out. Very cool.
One day, you'll come to. Don't worry, you'll know what to do. Those are the lyrics of the music I'm listening to. All of us seem lost at times. I'm not talking about where's-the-map-I've-lost-my-way directions. But lost in the daily rhythms of life. I know that at times, I just feel lost about where I'm going with my life and even if I think I know where I'm going, I don't quite know how to get there. The solution is somewhere inside of me, I just don't know where I could find it. I'm sure I'm not alone with this feeling of being lost.

There are times I'm sure you've had an internal battle with yourself and feel just as lost. You may even be going through it now. For me, it's almost if I'm going through the motions of waking up, only to count down the hours until I'm back in bed again only to do the same thing all over again the next day. Or I'll spend the whole day glued to my computer screen on Facebook, in a sort of stalking mode, wishing my life was doing better like the rest of the world.

 You can't always judge a book by its cover! I've learned that if I don't want to be lost, I have to take control of my own life. So yeah, right now, I feel a little lost. Luckily, when I have that lost feeling, I feel motivated and ready to get rid of it. I'm ready to find the right road to go down and keep trucking. Anyway, that's what works for me. You have to find and do what's right for YOU.

You know that song Amazing Grace? Well, there are some great lyrics in that song. My favorite is "I was blind, but now I see." So powerful and beautiful.
When you're lost, in a sense, you're sort of blind as to where to go or what to do. Until that glorious moment when your eyes are opened and you see the way--the way and steps towards your solution, the way with a giant light at the end of the tunnel.

Go for the light. Go for the gold. Open your eyes. There is a solution, it's up to you to find it. Remember "was blind, but now YOU see!"


 #4 Be confident! Know ur product, know ur self, know information, know everything there's is to know about what u sell....ummmm I don't know... You slipped ...go back to the books... Bc you know what u just lost!!!  Get back to the trenches ... And work xoxo c


Monday, April 21, 2014

Happy After Easter Monday

 Saw this and thought it was perfect for Monday


Told you ( I'm referring to an older post I wrote about this)So true 


Friday, April 18, 2014

Story Time for Friday

It's Friday!! Once the week gets rolling, before you know it, it's FRIDAY!

I was thinking, since it's Friday, what would be good to write? After many drafts, and many points that we're leading to dead ends, I decided on a story.

I've wrote in my posts before the importance of enjoying life and cherishing the moments that come with it. This is a story that explains my point.

When I was 20, I went and studied in France for a semester. I left in January and flew home in May. The school where I studied was really cool, it was called the Abbey.

The school was big, full of classrooms and dorm rooms. It was an old monk monastery that was converted into a school for students to come and study abroad. 

In the back part of the school was a huge elaborate garden. The garden almost looked like a maze you might find in an Alice and Wonderland book.


The school was located in a small sleepy town called Pontlevoy. By sleepy, I mean, everything in the town shut down at about 7:00pm.

I had arrived to the school a week earlier to help prep for the new students coming (my class). In the meantime, a group of young (8-12 year old) Korean musicians were occupying the Abbey at the moment. Apparently, the Abbey is always filled with students from all over. One group comes another one goes, another group comes, another one goes and so on and so on. You get the picture. Along with the Korean students were their very gifted teachers. One was a very well known Korean opera singer teaching opera, another teaching violin, cello, and more. So, if you were to walk down any hallway during the day, you would always hear different pieces of music being played or practiced.

One afternoon, I had finished early and decided to go into town to grab a snack. As I was heading back to the school I began to hear singing. I knew it was the opera teacher rehearsing because she was performing that evening as a treat. My curiosity got me because as I got closer, I realized she was rehearing downstairs in a classroom close to the gardens. It was a beautiful day outside with the sun shining high in the sky and the weather pleasant with a nice breeze rolling in and out. So as I walked up I saw that she had cracked open this giant life size window in the room she was in, and this melodic melody was slowly pouring out this window.

Now, here I am, standing outside this window listening to a professional pianist occupancy this renounced Korean opera singer in France...but then it got better.

As I was listening to this beautiful singer and piano, something caught my eye in the garden. I looked over, and while this beautiful music is going on, six or maybe seven of the Korean students were actually playing hide and go seek in the garden. I'm here to tell you folks that the game of hide and go seek in an international language we all speak. Of course, they weren't oblivious to the music that was playing. It was if they had already decided it would be the soundtrack to their game.


So let's backtrack. Here I am standing in France listening to a Korean opera singer making this beautiful music while watching small Korean children play hide and seek in this amazing French garden, and just when I think it can't be topped, it got topped! So once again, all of this is going on, and I got to tell ya, I'm loving ever second, but then I looked up. No joke, I looked up, and as if someone on a walkie talkie  said "cue rainbow", this unbelievable rainbow appeared in the sky! My heart swell and stopped at the same time at just how crazy this moment was that I was in and how I wanted to enjoy and remember every second of this.

After a few more minutes of just being in awe, the song came to and end. The children came to a close with their game and began moving on to something else, and the big giant rainbow slowly faded away.

It's having moments like that and getting to look back at them is exactly why I get up out of bed the next day. It's so worth it.


Wednesday, April 16, 2014

"Life is about courage and venturing into the unknown"


It's ours, it's the world's, and it's up to us as to what we do with it. None of us was given a manual on how to live our own lives. We were never told or warned about the mistakes we would make, the bumps we'd hit, or the challenges we would face. We were also never given or told the accomplishments we would make, the milestones we'd hit, or the major life changing events that would come our way.

I don't think life would be fun if we knew all those things before they happened. What would be the point of living? It's an adventure not to know. It's why I get out of bed in the morning. The day is always new and I never know what the day/life will bring me. Good, bad, whatever--I'll take it.

This morning I was checking my Facebook and got this post...

If you've read any of my older posts, you know that I'm a big fan of Pharrell. I have been for awhile. When I saw this video, two thoughts were going through my head (well more like three). One, "thank you mom for posting this", two, "get it Pharrell!," and three, "wow, we all have the ability to make our mark." We do.

We all make a mark on this world. Like it or not, once you're brought into this world, your mark is then made. Yes, when you're born, technically your mark is made, but it isn't really made until you begin to grow. When that happens is between you and the universe. Sometimes it's totally unexpected. Sometimes it's a process. Sometimes it's already determined. Regardless of all this, it's the mark that is important. For when you're gone, you're gone. Then the question is, "what is the mark you want to leave on this world?"

I know that I would be thrilled and honored if I could leave my mark in a positive light. Doing something that doesn't necessarily effect me, but would effect others, and hopefully that something would be good. I just want my mark to be something I can look upon and smile with my face and my heart.

Life is short folks. I talk about this so much, mainly because I almost lost mine. So I feel it's my duty to remind you of life, your life, and how you need to live it and mold it into the best it absolutely can be :)


Monday, April 14, 2014

Never fear...._________ is near

 My life > 
"Never fear because _________ (blank) is near". What that blank is, is totally up to you.

Good Morning all! Happy Monday! So this phrase that I wrote above, popped in my head this morning. For me, my "blank" was love. When I'm down at times I often put the word "love" in my blank box. Sometimes I'll fill it in with words like "help", "happiness", "strength", and so on. Today, I went with "love".

You can fill the "blank" with whatever word you want. There's only one catch, the word you pick has to be a positive one. I don't think that's to hard. Trust me, you'll see how it helps.

Perhaps I chose love because I feel it in my heart today. Whatever you pick, let that word come from a good place. It's nicer that way. Plus, you're naming and claiming. YOU. No one else.

Insert your word in the blanks:

Never fear, _________ is near.
Ready to be here just for you
Ready and willing is what I'll do.

Today my friend is a brand new day.
Clear your mind of any thoughts
Of yesterday.
Don't think about
This or that
Think about today and where you're at

Let __________ fill you up
And chin up butter cup
Today, I promise, is not the end.
So no worries my dear friend.

_______________ is coming
Just you wait.
Don't think about it though or
_______________ will be delayed.

So have some patience and before you know
_______________ is here for you
Never Judging you
Wait ago!

Heading out, have a great day.
_______________ is here, so no delays


Monday, April 7, 2014


Ahhh...another brand new day.

Last week I had two speaking gigs. One for adults (Blue Cross Blue Shield), and the other for a group of kids (Brandon Elementary 5th graders). Two very contrasting groups. I will say this, I was able to get away with saying "boogers" with each. And I'm not gonna lie, that was pretty cool. Plus, believe it or no, it actually went over well with both groups.

After speaking to both groups, I had both adults and kids coming up to thank me. Both groups had different ways of approaching. The adults weren't afraid  to make there way up to me, the kids were the same. Though when some of them, once right in front of me, sort of froze up a little (adorable). But still, A for effort!

Now, there is a point I'm trying to make. I really was amazed about the effect that was made on both groups. I do have a pretty good story, but still, it blows me away how people can absolutely be effected by something. Including myself.

When I was a kid, I remember speakers coming to my school, and out of that handful, there are definitely specific ones I still remember because of the effect they had on me. Even different people and places I've met and gone to throughout my life. I remember them because of the over all effect they had.

If you went through a catalog of your life, I'm sure you'd have the same thing happen. You'd remember those moments and the effect they had on you. Crazy huh? Funny how we can go back, and remember those things, yet we can't remember where we put our car keys or where we put our favorite shirt.

My point is, if you can remember the effect certain people have made in your life, have you ever stopped and thought of the effect you've made or make on folks? Now, I never said that all those effects were good. When there is an effect made in your head by someone or something, it can be either good or bad. So once again, have you thought about you and how you effect the world?

Everyone, including myself, has had not exactly the best effects on the world. We've had our selfish, diva, bratty, mean, unpleasant moments. And those effects we made when acting out were not exactly the best. I'm sure when they were happening, we also weren't thinking about the effects we were making. I heard once, "people remember the good things you've done, but they remember more about the bad things you've done." Unfortunately, it's true.

From the moment we wake up we are making choices- good day, bad day? And depending on our choice, we are going to have that effect on the people we come across that day. Mainly because ya just never know.

So don't walk on egg shells trying to be perfect. Just be aware that what you do, it does indeed have an effect on someone. What will be your choice today? Make the right one :)


Friday, April 4, 2014

Don't you worry 'bout a thing

This morning when I woke up, my good old buddy Mr.Stevie Wonder popped in my head, along with his song about not having to worry about a thing.

Such a good saying, "don't you worry 'bout a thing". Of course, we do worry about things because we've been conditioned to as humans. But letting go every now and then, and putting your worries on hold for a sec...well that's just a nice feeling. Am I right?

With the pitter patter of rain drops on my window, I can't help but to clear my mind of  any worries and just be happy in this moment. Funny how the simplest of things can just ease your worried mind. Like you have this remote control to your brain and you decided to press pause. If only it was that easy. Mmmmm, perhaps it can be...

I have a challenge for you today. Today being Friday and all... So, here it is, try to spend the rest of the day today in a complete worry-free state and just see the outcome. For some of you, this may be a piece of cake, for others of you, this may be quite the challenge. So challenge yourself. What have you got to lose?



Wednesday, April 2, 2014


That's a pretty unsettling title, don't you think? Mistakes? Just the word makes you feel uncomfortable.

We all make mistakes. Good, bad, we make them all. Most of our mistakes lean towards the not so good side, and when we look back at our mistake, we 9 x's out of 10 are filled with regret. Sometimes we refuse to admit we've made mistakes, even though deep down inside, we know we did. The refusal to believe "we were wrong " and actually admitting it to ourselves, let alone others, well, that's something that's hard for anyone. Or is it?

Personally, I don't really enjoy admitting I was wrong or incorrect. I'm pretty sure I'm not alone either. There have been times when I have been so absolutely sure of something, sworn up and down I was right, only to find out, I was completely inaccurate. Of course when learning that I was wrong, my instinct is to go into complete denial . "Well...., whatever. Wikipedia gets things wrong all the time. They probably got that wrong." Knowing, that I was in fact wrong and refusing to admit it. Once again, I know I'm not alone.

Why is it so hard to acknowledge when we are wrong? When we mess up? When we make mistakes? Is it pride? For me it partial has to do with pride, but mainly I just don't like to admit to myself that I was wrong or made a mistake. Throughout the years, I've learned that your never gonna walk a straight line. Meaning, you're going to have a few mistakes in your life. Some you saw coming, some you were blind sided by. But guess what? I'm here to tell you that not all mistakes are bad. So don't run from them, learn from them.

Making mistakes and getting things wrong though out your life is inevitable .  Will you own up to them, learn, and grow from them is the real question. Yes, we hate to make them, and love to turn a blind eye, but we have to face the facts...we messed up. It takes a whole lot of courage and humility to do this. It also gets you respect. Suck it might, but owning it is something to never look down on.

So be brave my warriors, I speak for myself and everyone out there when I say...own it!


Tuesday, April 1, 2014

"Nobody knows my sorrow..."

LOVE YOU, MAMA - Yes, I'm talking to the one with 57ish nieces and nephews...

" Nobody knows, the trouble I've seen. Nobody knows my sorrow..."

For some reason when I woke up this morning, that song popped in my head. Then again, random songs, moments, thoughts and then some just like to pop in and out of my head when they want.

In a moment of crises, or what we think is OUR own personal crisis, our brains fill with the "why me", "I did great, right?", "why!?!?" thoughts. When our walls seem to be closing in on us, we shut the rest of the world off and focus merely on whatever major dilemma we're going through on our own. After all, we're going through it, and it's our thing.

When this happens we don't think that maybe, just maybe, there is someone else out there that is going through something probably similar or even worse then ourselves. We don't have those thoughts because our problem is much bigger then anything else. Or is it? I mean, is our crisis really that big, or even a real crisis at that?

Of  course, all these are things to start considering when you feel you've hit rock bottom. I always liked and still use, the phrase "it could be worse." I'm sure there are some of you out there that think  "well yeah..It could be worse, but, we're already there." And perhaps you're right. But then again, you have to question, is it really that bad? Is this really the worse? Heavy questions on a Tuesday morning, yet they are questions that we need to  ask to ourselves.

The best part, is that whatever the crisis may be, we don't need to worry to much because we hold the key. We know the solution. The solution may not be exactly what we wanted, but it's a SOLUTION. It's an answer to a question.  Pretty cool right?

I say this not just to you, but also to myself, where there is a will there is a way. Sometimes our problems aren't as big as we think the are. You CAN find a solution to your dilemma. It requires your participation, but it's out there.

There are bridges you can repair, there are personal gains to be made, there are new roads to go down, and we have the ability to do all of those things and more.

Nobody knows your story and your fight better then you. You've got to have your own back. Cover it.

Please remember that nothing lasts forever. You have the ability to turn your frowns upside down, so get cracking

 So Pretty