Friday, September 5, 2014

Stick and stones may break my bones...

"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me."

I have no idea who came up with that quote, but I do know that it's a powerful one. It's funny because words can most definitely bring your world crashing down.

The other day I was with a friend of mine. He needed help gathering some of his things. I just happened to have the day off, so while he was at work, I came to gathered up some of his bearings. Before leaving, he was explaining where everything was and then finished what he was saying with a back handed comment. Once the words left his mouth, he immanently followed up with "wow, I didn't mean it like that," and he apologized. I accepted his apology, but the words were all ready out.

That's the thing with words, they can scar. Of course the scars are invisible, but they do exist. Have you ever been told something pretty damaging and however many years go by, it still rings Crystal clear in your ears? I have...

There's this thing that happens in the heat of a moment. We just react and speak whatever words are falling out of our mouth. We don't think. Our brains sort of just block off reasonable thinking and just allow whatever words to come out. Then once they do, we have to back peddle, back track, and throw a hail marry play to save ourselves, our words, and make things better.

This is no warning of any kind, no sort of threat, just something to shine a light upon. Just a reminder that despite every inch of our being, we should not just react with our words. Instead we should use our words intelligently and wisely. It will do you more good the harm. Will the results be damaging? I don't know, depends on how you use them and say them.

You're smarter then you think. Choose your words with 110% efficiently.


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