Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Forget me not

It was on the news yesterday morning, on calenders, post it notes, and then some. Yesterday officially marked the first day of fall. Summer seems to be long gone, and fall has finally made it's debut.

However, I have a theory. I have always felt that just when we've forgotten about fall, it hits. And when fall hits, it's almost as if our lives start over again.

F. Scott Fitzgerald has a great quote:

Now, when I read this, my jaw sort of dropped. Those are my thoughts exactly! I do indeed feel that there are others out there who would also agree. They would agree that our internal/body alarm clocks go into snooze mode once summer hits. We feel that we have made it through the year, summer hits, and now it's time to just rest easy for a bit. Summer gives us the opportunity for some time off. Then August hits. It's technically still summer in August, even though school is back in session, and you are moving with the work flow. August ends, then comes September. September still has a tad bit more summer in there, and then we hit the first day of fall. That, my friends, is when our lives start a new.

That first day of fall is the beginning of many endeavors for you and the year ahead. That first day is when it really kicks in. Now, this is my own philosophy, but I think I'm on to something.

My point is, fall brings with it a new beginning, and therefore it's good to start it with a bang. I believe the first day of fall starts this "new". Of can always agree to disagree.


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