Wednesday, September 10, 2014


(From yesterday)

The mere fact that I had meant to write this post this morning (I began writing this yesterday afternoon),  should speak volumes
about procrastination.

noun: procrastination; plural noun: procrastinations
  1. the action of delaying or postponing something.
    "your first tip is to avoid procrastination"

There you have it. Why is it so easy to say " I'll do it tomorrow"? And then, when tomorrow comes, it's the same excuse we recycle again, "I'll do it tomorrow". Before you know it, time has just flown by and the cycle is still in full motion.

There have been a number of times where, mentally, I know what I have to do and how hard I have to work in order to get what I want. Only, my brain and body aren't really n'sync. My brain is saying, "go", "do", and my body is screaming "stay", "don't move"..."you can do it tomorrow". Sadly,  I find myself at times siding with my body and that little voice in my head saying to just put whatever it is I need to on hold. Then, before I know it, time catches up with me, and I'm behind in what It is I wanted to do.

We all procrastinate. Whether we like it or not, we've all fallen victim to procrastination. I guess the question you need to ask yourself is would you like to learn from procreating or become it's next target?

You may feel you work better that way. As in, you feel you thrive the most under pressure and doing  things at the last minute. Perhaps your right, but doesn't it get old after a while? Stressing yourself out? The tension you give yourself? Personally, I'd prefer to be stress free. My life seems much happier that way.

Another thing to think about, yet when procrastinating you usually don't,  but think about how it effects the people around you. You may be happy and care free, but for those that surround's a nightmare. Think you don't enjoy being stressed out? How about the folks around you? Their stress is 50 x's worse then yours because of your procrastination. Do you really want that?

Crawling your way out of a procrastination rut isn't easy, but you can do it. Your YOUR own coach. So blow the whistle, give yourself a pep talk, and get out of this procrastinated state. You own it to yourself and those that surround you, and if you can think about the world your about to enter after you leave the world of, can I just tell you that it is oh, so sweet.


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