Thursday, September 5, 2013

A jolt of insight

    Have you ever wanted something for yourself? Told all your friends and loved ones about it? Told yourself, that you want this something? Yet, you never really put 100% into getting it?

I feel at some point we've all been there. I know I have. I've said I wanted this and that for my life, put in minimal effort to get it, expecting these things to fall in my lap and come to me. Then when they don't, and I'm not seeing results, I get frustrated and feel as if the world is against me. But the reality of this,  is that I can't see the big picture. I refuse to see that I'm not putting forth enough effort to get what I want. Therefore, I'm not landing good work because I'm not putting out good work.

Sometimes we think we have it all together. Or do we? I definitely thought I had it all together with this motivational speaking career, only to learn for myself that there is still a long road ahead. Perhaps we've all felt that way at some point. You have a dream or goal towards something, but just can't understand why the blocks aren't stacking up for you. That's because sometimes we don't see that part of our problem, is ourselves.

This is Eric Thomas. He is a public/motivational speaker. My brother educated on me about him this summer. I want to share this video with you and ask for you to just really listen. My grandfather always tells me that there is a lot to learn when you just stop and listen. I believe, this is one of those moments. Hope you guys enjoy...


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