Monday, January 9, 2017

love yourself, even if it feels hard

Earlier today, as I was working out, and my play list was blaring, I started to notice a theme. All the songs I had randomly picked, dealt with loving  yourself. I had been working out to this play list, that I had created, for almost two weeks and never noticed it until now.

After this discovery, a question popped up in my head. Why is it so hard to love ourselves? For majority of Americans, this is something that feels at times, impossible to achieve, but why? Why is it that when we look in the mirror, nine times out of ten we immediately start cataloging all our "flaws"? Instead, we should be looking at what we think are "flaws" as what actually makes us unique and who we are. Sure, you could blame the media and what their idea of "beauty" is, and why your so critical about your reflection. I mean, women have an entire empire built on beauty. Men aren't far behind either.

It's so easy to criticize ourselves. Why we do it? I'm not sure. I just know, that when we look in the mirror we should feel good and empowered about ourselves. Aside from our physical features, we should also be proud to be look at our reflection and know that we are a good person.  The person we see in the mirror should be the very best person we know.

Its time to feel good about yourself and those around you. Be the best version of you, you could possibly be. Which is guaranteed to bring pride and humility to the person you see in the mirror...YOU!

In the words of Kendrick Lamar:

"I love myself"

When you ignore the silly things you think are so major, for example your nose being a little crooked,  and just focus on loving ourselves, and doing good in our daily lives and interactions, then we bypass years of staring into the mirror and  secretly praying for a do over.

Well put,


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