Thursday, February 25, 2016

Honesty: It really is the best policy

When I was in middle school and high school all I wanted to be popular. Sometimes I found myself acting like another version of myself. A version I didn't really like, and neither did other people. I secretly was desperate to be cool.

Once I graduated and headed to college I was in for a huge surprise. I learned very quickly that I didn't have to try so hard. I realized I didn't really need to play a different version of myself. What I learned, was that I could just be me, be honest, and whatever people saw was what they saw. In other words, this was me, and if you like it GREAT, if not, no worries. We didn't need to hang out.

As time went by, it became easier and easier to be myself and love myself. Was I cool? Did I hang out with the popular kids? In a way, yes. Being honest with myself and other people made me feel good and I was my owe version of cool. The people I met and became friends with were people I wanted to be around and in my mind, they were really cool/popular.

Being the honest version of myself right off the bat was and sometimes still is, a little tough. Think about it, being honest when meeting a complete stranger can be a little nerve racking. I mean, in a way, you're being completely vulnerable, and as I said in a earlier post, that can be pretty scary.

Honesty is a double edged sword. It can be a good and bad thing. So let's focus on the good. Being honest can make things a little smoother. It can also give you a better piece of mind. Remember, not everyone you meet is going to like you, accidents are sometimes your fault, and, drumroll...for the mother load, YOU ARE NOT ALWAYS RIGHT. That's a hard one.

My point is, be you, love you, and be honest with yourself and the world around you. Because you know, honesty really is the best policy.


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