Monday, September 29, 2014

Just you

Thank you for coming to this blog and supporting it. In return, I will continue to keep uplifting and bringing whatever welcoming thoughts and advice I have. On that note, let's begin.

I have preached before about investing in yourself and going for it.  I still stand by that, and I must admit, it's not easy. The beginning process always seems to be the hardest part. Right now, I am sort of going through that.

Picture yourself as a car. The key goes in the ignition, you start to rev up. You're all amped and ready to go, then at the last minute you think "I can always do this tomorrow",  and turn off. Hopefully this is easy to understand. We get excited about the idea of doing something that helps us move forward, work on planning all the things we are going to do to make it happen, and then when it's time to actually execute our grand plans, we fall short.

I wonder why that is. Sometimes taking and starting that first step is super easy. You've already set a goal for yourself- now it's time to put it into action. Other times, that first step is harder then walking across hot coals.

So, it's up to you to be that coach you know you can be. You just have to constantly remind yourself of the big picture, and that YOU, yes YOU, can do it! Just like Nike.

Just Do It. Pictures, Photos, and Images for Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest, and Twitter

I'm struggling with that first step, but I know I can and will. When I was in the hospital after my accident, I wanted to get better, and new I had to work hard with my physical therapy, yet every inch of my body felt like it had been hit by a ton of bricks and any movement I made sent a wave of unimaginable pain throughout. Still, I had to get working in order to get better.

That first step towards recovery was terrible. It took me almost two hours just to lift an empty paper cup. I was drenched with sweat from head to toe, but guess what? I did it! And so can you.

We can make that first step, we just need to look deep inside. Trust me... It's there.


Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Forget me not

It was on the news yesterday morning, on calenders, post it notes, and then some. Yesterday officially marked the first day of fall. Summer seems to be long gone, and fall has finally made it's debut.

However, I have a theory. I have always felt that just when we've forgotten about fall, it hits. And when fall hits, it's almost as if our lives start over again.

F. Scott Fitzgerald has a great quote:

Now, when I read this, my jaw sort of dropped. Those are my thoughts exactly! I do indeed feel that there are others out there who would also agree. They would agree that our internal/body alarm clocks go into snooze mode once summer hits. We feel that we have made it through the year, summer hits, and now it's time to just rest easy for a bit. Summer gives us the opportunity for some time off. Then August hits. It's technically still summer in August, even though school is back in session, and you are moving with the work flow. August ends, then comes September. September still has a tad bit more summer in there, and then we hit the first day of fall. That, my friends, is when our lives start a new.

That first day of fall is the beginning of many endeavors for you and the year ahead. That first day is when it really kicks in. Now, this is my own philosophy, but I think I'm on to something.

My point is, fall brings with it a new beginning, and therefore it's good to start it with a bang. I believe the first day of fall starts this "new". Of can always agree to disagree.


Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Wanna know my story?

So flattered & excited. The amazing Shelia Malone (, approached me and my buddy Talamieka Brice (, about collaborating on a project, an exhibit on  my accident- the before, during, and after. Sort of a "tell-all" but through art. Here are a few of the beginning pieces. We're applying for grants in the months to follow. Please wish us luck :) #art #feelingblessed #awesome #goodpeople #goingforit 


Monday, September 15, 2014

You want it- then make it happen

To whomever is reading this. You can do this my friend, you can do this. Your an amazing, incredible, unique and beautiful person, you can do anything you set your mind to. Trust me.

There it is...You see it... The thing your striving for, your goal. Your pot of gold, your future, your rainbow.

We've all been there. Wanting something so bad that we can almost see it, touch it, grab it. Yet for some reason, that thing always seems so far away.

I danced until the age of 13, then stopped. Well, not really stopped, but put it on hold for awhile. I entered high school, joined the marching band and was in the color guard/flag girl for the duration of my high  school career.

After graduating, I enrolled into USM (University of Southern Mississippi) theater & dance program. During my freshman year, I decided I would major in theater minor in dance. Only thing, I had to play catch up with all the these girls who had been dancing non stop at the the time I had pressed the pause button on my dancing.

I took my first college dance class the summer before my sophomore year. After that first class, I realized I had a ton of work ahead of me if I really wanted to be a minor and a good dancer.

The next few years were really stressful. I was my own worse critic. I can't tell you how many times I'd run out of class to "use the bathroom" and ball my eyes out in one of the stalls because I couldn't do a proper turn. I'd have to give myself a quick pep talk, dry my eyes, shake it off, and march right back in, determined as ever to some how do that proper turn.

Almost three years later...I got it!

After my accident, all that muscle I had spent years building, was all gone in a matter of a week. So, what then? I'll tell ya. I resorted back to the mentality I had in dance class, "I'm gonna do this".

So almost four months after my accident, I was strapped to a harness hovering over a treadmill and was just low enough for my feet to walk on it. Or at least get the sensation. So while training, and because there was no bathroom to run to and cry . I had to face the music and just do it.

Man was it aggravating but extremely motivating. Not only was it motivating but my determination kicked in in full force. The first time I actually felt the movement of my foot actually hitting the treadmill, it was on. Of course my physical therapists were helping me mimic my steps, but I was still feeling the motion and was eager to get those knees up and those feet moving.

Internally, I felt like I was channeling that same person I knew who gave it her all in dance class just to do a simple turn.

There are still moments where I fall a stray and have to channel that inner fighter I have inside me. But look, I wanted it, and low and behold, I got it.


Thursday, September 11, 2014

Drama...ain't nobody got time for that

I'll never forget my first tour of the theater and dance building at USM (University of Southern Mississippi, my alum mater) I took.

That day, everyone planing on attending/incoming freshman, were split up in groups, and given a tour of the building. All of the seniors in the department were individually giving tours to different groups.

John Croc was our tour guide senior tour. After he had showed us the entire department, all the odds and ends, he asked if there were any questions we wanted to ask. One of the guys in our group looked at him and asked, "yeah...if you could give us any advice before coming in here, what would you give us?" John paused before he spoke, then he looked up very profoundly and said, "don't talk to anyone". I got what he meant right away. The minute he said those words, it mapped out my entire college experience.

Now, when he said, "don't talk to anyone", he didn't mean that we should just shut off any and everyone around us. What he meant, was that since we were in a drama department, and drama naturally follows along with it, not to share your personal business to everyone in the department. Keep your own life and drama to yourself. I stuck by that my entire college career, and let me tell you, it was by far, the BEST piece of advice I got during that time. My college experience pretty much remained drama free.

Drama, it's great on stage, in movies, books, and television shows. Drama played out in our daily lives...mmmm...not so much. I'll be honest, I do enjoy listening to it, but I try not to invite it in my life.

I've closely hit on this subject before (hints my guilty pleasure for the reality housewives shows on Bravo). Perhaps the reason I bring it up again is because, drama can very easily repeat it self. Different forms, but it happens. Which is why we have all these quotes and fantastic sayings about it: "No drama for yo mama", "Don't be such a drama queen", "this is a drama free zone", etc.

I noticed something very interesting when I was looking at all these different little quotes and saying's.
“Sometimes I lie awake at night and I ask: ‘Why me?’ Then a voice answers: ‘Nothing personal, your name just happened to come up.’” from A Boy Named Charlie Brown (1969, dir. Bill Melendez)
Obvious choice, but not the one I'm talking about. Though drama is involved, that's not it. All these things talk about NOT wanting or inviting drama in, and yet drama still comes along anyway . I love the irony of that.

Some folks thrive off of drama. They love it. Others like to keep it to themselves. Personally, I like keeping mine on screen or on the stage, also, pretty close to home. Guess that's just the kind of gal I am.

So, be you a drama inviter, lover, seeker, refuser, whatever, just remember the ones that have to endear it around you. You may be ok with your actions, and throw yourself in their shoes and think how it may effect them as well as yourself.

Last time I checked, a good life is a happy one.

 Smiling Dog ~ Nothing like a photo of a smiling dog to make me smile. He’s like the Mona Lisa of dogs!


Wednesday, September 10, 2014


(From yesterday)

The mere fact that I had meant to write this post this morning (I began writing this yesterday afternoon),  should speak volumes
about procrastination.

noun: procrastination; plural noun: procrastinations
  1. the action of delaying or postponing something.
    "your first tip is to avoid procrastination"

There you have it. Why is it so easy to say " I'll do it tomorrow"? And then, when tomorrow comes, it's the same excuse we recycle again, "I'll do it tomorrow". Before you know it, time has just flown by and the cycle is still in full motion.

There have been a number of times where, mentally, I know what I have to do and how hard I have to work in order to get what I want. Only, my brain and body aren't really n'sync. My brain is saying, "go", "do", and my body is screaming "stay", "don't move"..."you can do it tomorrow". Sadly,  I find myself at times siding with my body and that little voice in my head saying to just put whatever it is I need to on hold. Then, before I know it, time catches up with me, and I'm behind in what It is I wanted to do.

We all procrastinate. Whether we like it or not, we've all fallen victim to procrastination. I guess the question you need to ask yourself is would you like to learn from procreating or become it's next target?

You may feel you work better that way. As in, you feel you thrive the most under pressure and doing  things at the last minute. Perhaps your right, but doesn't it get old after a while? Stressing yourself out? The tension you give yourself? Personally, I'd prefer to be stress free. My life seems much happier that way.

Another thing to think about, yet when procrastinating you usually don't,  but think about how it effects the people around you. You may be happy and care free, but for those that surround's a nightmare. Think you don't enjoy being stressed out? How about the folks around you? Their stress is 50 x's worse then yours because of your procrastination. Do you really want that?

Crawling your way out of a procrastination rut isn't easy, but you can do it. Your YOUR own coach. So blow the whistle, give yourself a pep talk, and get out of this procrastinated state. You own it to yourself and those that surround you, and if you can think about the world your about to enter after you leave the world of, can I just tell you that it is oh, so sweet.


Monday, September 8, 2014

Friday, September 5, 2014

Stick and stones may break my bones...

"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me."

I have no idea who came up with that quote, but I do know that it's a powerful one. It's funny because words can most definitely bring your world crashing down.

The other day I was with a friend of mine. He needed help gathering some of his things. I just happened to have the day off, so while he was at work, I came to gathered up some of his bearings. Before leaving, he was explaining where everything was and then finished what he was saying with a back handed comment. Once the words left his mouth, he immanently followed up with "wow, I didn't mean it like that," and he apologized. I accepted his apology, but the words were all ready out.

That's the thing with words, they can scar. Of course the scars are invisible, but they do exist. Have you ever been told something pretty damaging and however many years go by, it still rings Crystal clear in your ears? I have...

There's this thing that happens in the heat of a moment. We just react and speak whatever words are falling out of our mouth. We don't think. Our brains sort of just block off reasonable thinking and just allow whatever words to come out. Then once they do, we have to back peddle, back track, and throw a hail marry play to save ourselves, our words, and make things better.

This is no warning of any kind, no sort of threat, just something to shine a light upon. Just a reminder that despite every inch of our being, we should not just react with our words. Instead we should use our words intelligently and wisely. It will do you more good the harm. Will the results be damaging? I don't know, depends on how you use them and say them.

You're smarter then you think. Choose your words with 110% efficiently.
