Wednesday, January 8, 2014

I've been neglecting you blog.....but not on purpose

Yes indeed, it is a New Year. 2014, who would have thunk it?

The new year hasn't quite kicked off yet, but if you're like me, it has already had a few little bumps. Now these bumps haven't exactly been huge, but they have been "bumps" none the less. So far this year, I've received some upsetting news about a loved one, encountered, dodged, then encountered again the dreaded cold,  had my own issues with money, and my job status isn't exactly where I'd like it nor needs to be. In conclusion, the new year hasn't really been the best.

Though, despite these bumps, I know that eventually I'll be able to get past them. Mainly because, what seems like pretty dark situations around me at the moment, I can see a small bit of light, it's faint, but it's still light.

For the last few years, I've had positivity be part of my New Years resolution. Granted, every situation is different, but I've tried to find as much positivity as I can in each situation that presents itself.

We've all hit low points, dark points, hopeless points, even "I'm done" points. I've definitely had my share. God have I hit some sad points. I once hit a point of denial after my accident that lead to some drinking. I had a lot of good, but mostly bad times. Luckily, those days are gone and each day is a new day.

I'm not really sure where I'm going with this.....oh yeah, so, I haven't exactly hit a low point, but like I said at the beginning, I have hit some bumps. Guys, I apologize for not writing over the last week. As you see, I've been slightly preoccupied. This blog is part of that light I was talking about earlier. Which I appreciate. Thank you, and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Bring it on!!


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