Friday, January 31, 2014

A life passing, Super Bowl Sunday, crazy weather, and inspiration from Apple

Talk about a title...Hopefully this post will live up to it.

Indeed, it is 100% Friday. What a week!! Talk about a roller coaster. For anyone whose week went smoothly, I say "good for you", and tell me, "what was your secret?".


Sigh...the poor poor south, it just isn't equipped for cold weather ...I tell ya, mother nature definitely did her part. She by far succeeded in turning the south  into a winter wonderland which resulted into unprepared madness, eventually leading us to chaos. Good job. Yet, with any weather blunder, we see the and power of kindness our society/human race possesses, helping us to manage whatever is going on, and bringing us back to some since of order. GO US!

For myself, and anyone else out there, death was something experienced this week. Though it sounds morbid, there was a ray of sunshine that presented itself reminding all of us, not to worry, and our loved ones are in a better and happier place. Amen.

Beautiful, insightful article about how a shift in perspective can change our life.

We are only 2 DAYS away from the one, the only, the SUPER BOWL. Despite the madness of the week along with whomever you're rooting for this Sunday, we will all be ending the week with the SUPER BOWL! It's a time when we as Americans can just enjoy, kick back, and relish in. Go BroncosBroncos Logo | denver-broncos-logo Go Sea-hawks!Seattle Seahawks logo Go SUPER BOWL SUNDAY!
Let the games begin.

Football!!! Look how large Bronco country is!

Which brings me to Apple. If you haven't guessed by now, I'll tell ya. I'm a big fan of music,art, dance, and stuff that I just find interesting and inspiring. Thanks to Apple and their genius add department, I got a jolt of inspiration when I saw this commercial. I wanted to share with you. I'm not gonna lie, it's a little dramatic, but unbelievably beautiful. Listen to the words spoken on this commercial, they are very powerful.

I 'm still a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. Good and bad. Just think, you have to have a few rainy days to appreciate the sunny ones (:


Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Mother nature & life

Whoa!!! It is some kind of cold outside. Cold weather seems to be sweeping the country. If you've been keeping up with the news, you're familiar with how cold it is getting down south. Let me tell ya, as one who resides in the south, I can confirm, that yes indeed, it's cold.

Mother nature is interesting. I feel she and the big man upstairs work in conjunction with each other. I say this because of the different events which have, over the course of this crazy cold weather, happened in the past few weeks.

The cold weather shifted and a loved one whose health was bad took a turn for the worst. A good friend of mine received some pretty horrific news about a family member who had a major accident. Both of these events took place right as the temperature started dropping, almost as if it was saying,   "some bad stuff is brewing. Be prepared."

Though these things seem to be pretty grim, there is actually a glimmer of hope. For example, my grandmother pasted away a year ago. I remember the weather did not feel to pleasant. It actually mirrored what my grandmother was going through. The weather couldnt make up its mind if it's going to be hot or cold or mild. It was just going up and down and not happy. Then, one day it just stopped, it had finally decided to be calm, and that is when my grand mother pasted away. The big man upstairs explained  to mother nature that it was time, and she complied. After she pasted, mother nature gave us two weeks worth of beautiful, calm, peaceful weather. My grandmother was suffering for awhile and finally she was able to be at peace. Just like the weather.

It is cold and a little sad right now, but I guarantee , it's not going to be like this forever. You must experience hard and unpleasant times to appreciate the times that are exceptionally good. It's our circle of life.

On these days that seem to be bleak, just remember, it won't be like this forever. This to shall pass...


Monday, January 27, 2014

A little love to start the week

It's Monday morning, and I have it tuned on to GMA this morning. I've learned that come Sunday, Feb 2- SUPER BOWL SUNDAY, that Feb 2 is also the Puppy Bowl on Animal Planet. Seeing this, put me in a good mood to start the week before temperaments and excitement bring the week to an end on Sunday. "The Calm before the Storm", if you will.

Puppy Bowl X Will Really Put the Awww in Footbawwwl

Be you a football fan or not, you do know that this Sunday is a national staple. The Super Bowl. My recommendations for the week go like so:

Love your fellow neighbor, continue sharing and spreading kindness, enjoy yourself and what each day brings, and then come Sunday, your reward is "Game On...It's the Super Bowl!!"

Rudy Ruettiger, Motivational Speaker and former Notre Dame Football Player. Like the Irish?  Be sure to check out and “LIKE” my Facebook Page  Please be sure to upload and share any personal pictures of your Notre Dame experience with your fellow Irish fans!


Thursday, January 23, 2014

"you got this"

Ok, it's Thursday. Another day, another wide world around us, and another day to keep moving forward...

#work #hard #perseverance #Confucius #QOTD #quotes #quote - Inspirational Pictures, Tumblr Photography, Beautiful Thoughts, Inspirational, Inspiring Pictures and Quotes, Motivational, Success, Friendship, Positive Thinking, Attitude, Trust, Perseverance, Persistence, Relationship, Purpose of Life


Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Talk about inspirational

My friend sent me this this morning that I had to share with you. This is a great dose of motivation and inspiration., but above all, it shows that when you believe in yourself, put in good work, possibilities and oppurtunites wait you ...
Thank you


Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Busy Bee

 Well guys, today is a short yet exciting post. I have to keep this brief because I am right in the middle of trying to launch these bad boys. So, with that said, you can imagine that there is a bit of work involved in order for these shirts to become a reality.


The Beatles said, "you get by with a little help from your friends". Which they were absolutely right. I'm sure we've all been stubborn at some point refusing to look for help because we think we"got it", only to then have a flash of insight, realizing, that yes indeed, we do need help. 

Well, I needed help with turning my dreams into  a reality, and I have my friends to thank.


Monday, January 20, 2014

just a little something

When faced with different situations in my life, good or bad, I often turn to music for comfort.

Happy Monday. Things are still a little chaotic on this end, however, they are slowly finding some sort of order. Not bad. Right now, I'm trying to really push myself as a motivational speaker. Pushing and promoting yourself isn't exactly easy, but what in life is? I've always believed that if everything in life were easy, it would definitely get boring.

As I said before, music totally helps catapult my moods and then some. If you've read any of my previous posts, you'll learn that this is no secret.

Though this post  is not as profound as you may like, I'll leave you with some morning tunes I think will speak louder then any words I could dish out right now. Take from it what you will, and enjoy your Monday.
The Temptations - Get Ready

Though the lyrics are mainly between a man and a women, to me, it doesn't matter. When the chorus screams "Get Ready, cause here I come", it pumps me up. I hear those words and automatically use it as fuel to keep making strides and reaching my goals.

Simple Minds- Don't You Forget About Me

Once again, the chorus is a boost of motivation to make a mark in the world...'Don't Forget about Me"

Frank Sinatra- I'm gonna Live Until I die

Yep, this song pretty much speaks for itself. when in a rut, and feeling down, this little number is a great pick me up and a reminder that time is precious. Might as well live it!

Jason Derulo-The other Side

When you are in the early stages of working out, this is a great tune that just gets you revved up to kick some butt and show your body whose boss. I definitely use it to go the distance.


Friday, January 17, 2014

Happy Friday

"When all seems impossible, just remember, you got this"

The "who" in that sentence is you.


Thursday, January 16, 2014

Challenge checklist

I have a challenge checklist for myself and for you. Recently, I've encountered different situations dealing with a slew of unappreciative, ungrateful, lack of compassion, and self riotousness. I've also encountered and experienced compassion, thoughtfulness, grateful ness, kindness, and love.

Sooooo, with that said, I have this challenge for all of us .

TODAY-(I dare you)

* show some compassion to someone around you

* be grateful for want you've been given

* kindness- PAY IT FORWARD

* for one hour, think about someone other then yourself

* tell someone they look nice

I dare you...Think you can meet this challenge?


Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Taking for granted

As the days, weeks, and months go by, it's easy to get wrapped up in our own affairs and forget the little things. We start taking things for granted, until all of a sudden, something happens. All of a sudden, you realize time has flow by, and it's too late. I'm guilty of this and non guilty.

I see it happen and I've done it myself. I've passed up opportunities to hang out with relatives and friends because I'm not in the mood or don't want to, then in a second something happens and their gone, or something happens to us and we now realize we're unable to do simple tasks we were doing just  days ago

Before my accident, I could do so much. Jump, run, use all my fingers. Now, those things are unattainable at the moment. I'm not mad at this but it does open my eyes at how much I took for  granted. I still take some things for granted (I'm human, that's normal ), but when something works a little better for me like my motor function, it reminds me just how fortunate we are and what we are capable of.

So,  the point I'm trying to make is that, time is precious, enjoy each day as if it's your last, and try not to get too absorbed in yourself that you can't stop and appreciate the world, loved ones, and friendships around you.


Never take for granted the moments you share with people especially family. My goal is to spend more time with my parents.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Friday, January 10, 2014

For all who are going through cold weather, enjoy

The weather, along with our dear mother nature, has definitely made it very clear that it wants to be cold right now. All over the country we're feeling it. Therefore, I bring you this little poem I feel we can just relate to. 


When the weather's too cold or in summer to hot
If 'twould do any good I would grumble a lot,
But I've noticed whenever I start to complain
The snow keeps on falling and so does the rain.

LOOK: Hilarious Cold Weather Photos...Maybe Laughing Will Warm Y - Spokane, North Idaho News & Weather

I could wail with the loudest
through winters severe,
But the wind keeps on blow-
ing as though it can't hear.
Though a constant complainer
I'm able to be

Stratospheric Phenomenon Is Bringing Frigid Cold to U.S

Jack Frost and Old Sol will not listen to me.
I know all the words and the phrases to use.
When I don't like what is I can growl is I choose.
But to all sorts of weather I meekly submit

Cold Weather Survival Tips

Since to grumble about it wouldn't change it a bit.


Thursday, January 9, 2014

We are the champions!

QUEEN- good band, good songs, good messages....

"We are the champions, my friends.
And we'll keep on fighting 'til the end.
We are the champions
We are the champions
No time for losers
Cause we are the champions, of the world"

Completely agree with all of those words. The beginning of this song is dedicated to everyone. When Freddie Mercury stresses:

"I've paid my dues.
Time after time
I've done my sentence
But committed no crime.
And bad mistakes- 
I've made a few.
I've had my share of sand kicked in my face
But I've come through"

(And I just need to go on, and ON, AND ON)

You know why guys? Because we ARE the champions! We are the champions of the world. If we've made it through one bad experience we can make it through anything, because we're champions!


Wednesday, January 8, 2014

I've been neglecting you blog.....but not on purpose

Yes indeed, it is a New Year. 2014, who would have thunk it?

The new year hasn't quite kicked off yet, but if you're like me, it has already had a few little bumps. Now these bumps haven't exactly been huge, but they have been "bumps" none the less. So far this year, I've received some upsetting news about a loved one, encountered, dodged, then encountered again the dreaded cold,  had my own issues with money, and my job status isn't exactly where I'd like it nor needs to be. In conclusion, the new year hasn't really been the best.

Though, despite these bumps, I know that eventually I'll be able to get past them. Mainly because, what seems like pretty dark situations around me at the moment, I can see a small bit of light, it's faint, but it's still light.

For the last few years, I've had positivity be part of my New Years resolution. Granted, every situation is different, but I've tried to find as much positivity as I can in each situation that presents itself.

We've all hit low points, dark points, hopeless points, even "I'm done" points. I've definitely had my share. God have I hit some sad points. I once hit a point of denial after my accident that lead to some drinking. I had a lot of good, but mostly bad times. Luckily, those days are gone and each day is a new day.

I'm not really sure where I'm going with this.....oh yeah, so, I haven't exactly hit a low point, but like I said at the beginning, I have hit some bumps. Guys, I apologize for not writing over the last week. As you see, I've been slightly preoccupied. This blog is part of that light I was talking about earlier. Which I appreciate. Thank you, and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Bring it on!!


Thursday, January 2, 2014

and then, she rest....

It's a new year! Hello 2014!

Please forgive me, but I have to make this post brief. Not to worry though, bigger and better posts are soon to come. Happy New year! Coming up on a new year. Let's leave this one where it belongs ... In the past.Heaven reflection by Maurizio MAKEMENICE