Friday, December 6, 2013

Happy Holidays- Tis the season to keep your chin up

Happy Holidays
So the first week of December is about to officially come to an end. Crazy huh? Before you know it New Years will be here. Back to back two truly intense holidays, because let's be honest, the holidays are the holidays yes, but there in a serious intensity that goes on without saying.

Now, it is the holidays, and of course we all feel different things at this time. Good, bad, happy, sad, we all go through our own thing. I've definitely felt all the above, and then some at different points. The holidays definitely bring out your emotions.

It's tough when everywhere you look it feels as if everyone but you is happy and cherry. Although in reality, that's not really the case. As I said before, everyone has their own story. I'm sure there are parts of you that wish you too could be happy and cherry. Well you can, after all, it is YOUR life. You can be the one to change how you feel.......that is, unless you'd rather be/play the victim. You know, the victim role? Where you seem to not have anything go right for you because it's everyone else's fault but yours. That you just can't seem to get happy just because the worlds against you. You start spouting that "whoa is me" speech to any and everyone because no one understands but you. A.k.a the victim.

To that I say "give me a break." Look, you think by belly aching to folks what's wrong, things are magically going to get better? That by getting whatever it is off your chest to whom ever whenever,  despite whatever might be going on in their lives, the skies will part for you and whom ever or whatever will come to their senses? Please, look Mcfly, we're not on fantasy island.

This is the perfect time to put your chin up. Despite how bad you think you have it, trust me, there is someone out there who has it even worse then you. And for those out there who do have it worse, I've seen more of those people  extremely happy and living life because they can. So can you.

I am in the business of hope, so I'm telling you this because despite if your an optimist or a realist, hope is something we can all agree on. This is definitely the season of hope. It's also something you carry with you not just throughout the holidays. Hope is forever in your back pocket, and when your ready to use it to take the next step, you'll be able to pull it out.


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