It's Tuesday!
Sep 27, 2015 we had a very rare occurrence. So rare, it only happens once every number of years. In fact, the next appearance won't be for another 18 years. I am talking about, the Blood Moon Unless you've been living under a rock for the past week, you should be familiar with what I'm talking about. It's only been televised, posted on face book, Twitter, Instagram and more.
The Blood Moon: very rare, and very spectacular. I, like many others I know, spent the better part of last week waiting in anticipation for Sunday when the Blood Moon was going to make its grand entrance. There was just one slight problem when Sunday finally came. Down South, where I am, it was extremely overcast, and being able to see this Blood Moon wasn't really looking to good. In fact, that night, the moon did present itself, there where just clouds blocking the view the whole night. So, sadly, there was no blood moon sighting for us folks down south. Maybe a few, but not that much. In other words, all that waiting, and no moon to see. Silly clouds...

Isn't that something, you build and build something up only to have the universe interfere, and you get let down. For me, I get bad about anticipating events, and when they don't turn up or go as I imagined, I get let down. So now, I'm down, in a bad mood, and not having a good time. Therefore, everything is a bust...or is it?
Hear me out.
There was no moon to see, and yet, I wasn't as disappointed as I thought I would be. Why? Mainly because I made the most of it. You see, though there wasn't a blood moon to see, it was still a nice night. The air was a good temperature, there was a steady breeze, if you had no idea the blood moon was showing itself, it wouldn't have mattered.
There is a point here. What I'm trying to get across, is that we as humans, sometimes build things up to a point that if anything we have built up is obstructed, we automatically go into bad mood mode. But does it have to be that way? Why not just take a second to know that things have changed, what you thought was going to happen isn't, and make the best of the situation. Now, I understand that sometimes you'll find yourself just incapable to do this. I get it. However, it is possible to make the best out of a bad situation, and when you do, your mood goes up. No more negative thoughts. You have now successfully put yourself in a positive head space.