Monday, August 25, 2014


Today I'd like to open this blog with the video below.
I hope you enjoy...

Little background. In 2001 Jay Leno was host of the Tonight Show and Conan O'Brien was promised his slot once his contract was up in 2004. Instead, NBC kept Jay Leno and Conan 'O Brien. Conan was host of the Tonight Show with Jay's own prime time show before the news and before The Tonight Show. Sadly, it didn't really work out, NBC gave Leno his slot back and Conan graciously bowed out a year later in 2010. That is my quick cliff notes version.

On Conan's final Tonight Show, he gave a speech thanking everyone who had helped him on show, NBC, and all his loyal viewers. Though, the best part of the speech I believe was what you just watched.

When we set out a goal, a path if you will, for ourselves, and we've been working towards it our whole lives, sometimes things, events, circumstances, happen that interrupt our journey. We can be going strong as we make our strides and BAM! Something completely unexpected interrupts our journey. Some life changing event takes place and now everything you've worked towards seems to be severely in jeopardy.

Now, just because something has interrupted your path, doesn't necessarily mean your goals are now in jeopardy. I'm sure it may feel that way, and it may take sometime to get back on your  path, but don't forget to keep going. So what if your path has been interrupted? You've come this far, you've got it in you, you can still keep going and make the best of whatever cards you've been dealt. You can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Amazing things can happen. Don't define yourself by the obstacles you've faced, but by the obstacles you've faced and overcome.

You may not be a fan of Conan, but I will say, I think he's on to something...


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