Monday, June 9, 2014


Ah commitment....

Committing to a relationship is tough. Committing to different plans is/are tough. Committing to a specific time is tough. However, I think committing to a routine is probably the hardest for me.

It wasn't always that way. Before  accident, drive and determination were all I could think about, allowing nothing to stand in the way on me and my dreams. I had this sort of routine I didn't even realize. My routine was waking up early in the morning, making sure I ate a good breakfast (it is the most important meal of the day you know), go to class or work (depending on the two different time frames I'm referring to), fitting in a good hour workout after I was done with either class or work, managing to get some decent amount of sleep so I could do the whole thing over again the next day.

In the last year and half, my routine has been tough to commit to. Mainly because things are a little different. Now, I move a little slower, which makes things  longer to do and can get the best of me. And when they do, I lash out by just not doing them or putting them off. Or I'll be doing really good and there's a hiccup in my routine, like I have to travel somewhere and am unable to bring all the equipment I need in order to keep my routine going. A couple of days go by, then when I am able to be reunited with my workout equipment, I am not as jazzed anymore, and I'm off my routine. After that, trying to commit back to my routine is shot. A few attempts are made, but nothing really solid. Then just the idea of knowing that I need to commit back to my routine and I'm not, sort of just makes it even harder to keep going.

Yet, getting back on track, is 100% possible. In fact, after I write this post. My yoga mat is ready to be rolled  out and  I'm ready to get back on track. I'll probably slack off for another 15 minutes or so before I really start back.

It's easy for all of us to slack off but making a true commitment to ourselves and our lively hood is something we need to embrace.

Happy Monday everyone. Let's get this show on road!


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