Wednesday, November 20, 2013

What's in this for you?

Well kids, I do apologize for leaving you hanging last Wednesday. True story, I spent pretty much all of last week getting to be an extra in a movie and a t.v show. Of course on movie & t.v sets it usually requires you to show up way early (6 usually 7a.m.), phones are usually a no no, and the hours are very long, and I LOVE every minute of it.

One thing I can tell you, is that while your standing around waiting before the director yells "Action", you think a lot. Or at least, I think a lot. I begin observing what's around me and start thinking. I begin thinking of that phrase "life is a movie."

Sometimes it feels as if we work so hard for something, and that "something" can be whatever means the most to you. You know that "something" that just drives you to move forward? That "something" that just engulfs your thoughts, and fuels your passion? I know you know what I'm talking about, we all have that "something" inside of us. Now, only you know what that "something" is.

While on this road to achieving what it is your going for, I'm assuming it hasn't exactly been a walk in the park. Nobody said life was easy. There must have and been, and maybe still are, some tuff times and of course obstacles you have to get past. I'm sure those obstacles seem impossible to get past. Im sure your motivation has been put on pause and your drive just seems to have gone on neutral. It's ok, though. You can't be 100% all the time. If you are, more power to you. Many of us wish to be 100%  all the time. I know I do. Mainly because, I dig the feeling. Feeling 100% increases your drive to strive for that "something" you're aiming for. Keep going           

Look, the truth is, this path to whatever your on will probably have a few bumps along the way that will slow you down. At times, it will indeed slow you down and also get you to start questioning  why it is your on this path and heaven forbid, even make you question  if it's even worth it. And ya know what? It is worth it! It's worth it because it's yours. It's YOUR "something", your passion, your love. It's the thing that is the equivalent of breathing for you, it's  the thing that lights you up inside,  ..... it's  your "something."

There are high and low points on the road to you gaining what your striving for, but try not to get bogged down when you hit those low points. Not easy, I know, but just think about how far you've come (with wherever you are), and how your getting close to what you want.

I'm constantly in a battle with myself. Like I said, I'm human, so I go 100 to 50%. The key is to remember not to let that slow you down. It can, and will try to happen. Don't let it. You're better then that! Please trust me when I say keep striving, because when you do hit that "something", the something you've been working so hard for, and you will, the pay off is EXTRAORDINARY!!!!!!

In the words of Dr.Seues:

" So...
be your name Buxbaum or Bixby or Bray
or Mordecai Ali Van Allen O'Shea,
you're off to Great Places!
Today is your day!
Your mountain is waiting.
So...get on your way! "

Don't forget.

Nicole Keep going

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