Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Hope- Take the Journey

It's Tuesday! So, happy Tuesday!

About 2 years ago I was given a book entitled, My Voice- OVERCOMING: A Journey Of Hope. Now, I can't lie. I haven't read the book back to back yet, but what I have read has been super enlightening. On top of that, the title has so much power. Just the title is inspiring. A Journey Of Hope, what a concept.

Everyone has faced challenges head on along with facing ups and downs, and everything in between. Though, we've somehow made it through all of this. I believe majority of why we get through whatever situations pop up in our lives unexpectedly, is because inside all of us is this glimmer of hope. You can be conscience or unconscious of it, but it's inside you believe it or not. Of course this is just my opinion, but I believe it to be true.

You know when your in a situation you never thought you'd be in or could even happen? The type of situation that you just aren't sure of a good outcome? Well, what is it that drives you to keep moving forward? What is it that keeps you motivated to see a brighter outcome? It's hope.


 In the English dictionary, hope is defined as so:

HOPE- verb: to want something to happen or be true and think it could happen or to be true

So, be you an optimist, idealist, realist, whatever. There is, somewhere in all of us, this smiggin of hope. Don't forget that.

Hope is a pretty awesome tool to posse. Good thing we are all equip with it :)


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