Friday, August 30, 2013

5 year anniversary! Woo hoo!

So, it's August 30th. August 30th. A pretty big day for this gal. As you know, 5 years ago today was the day of my little "BIG" accident. Crazy how time flies.

I'm ready now to really grab my career/life by the horns and steer it towards that bright light I've seen at the end of my tunnel. I know, no matter how long this journey  will be, in the end everything will be ok, and here's why......

While I was in the hospital (Methodist Rehabilitation Center), I had a mini vacation. Hard to believe right? However, it happened. I can't remember how I got there, but I was suddenly transported to this place. It wasn't a beach, or a lake, but in front of me was this huge body of water. It was beautiful.
 The sun was low, and the water looked as if it was the suns personally mirror reflecting its image back perfectly. There was a man sitting next to me on my left. I never turned to see his face, but I could see him in my periphery. I had no desire to look at him because it was as if he was this old friend Id known forever that I just felt completely comfortable with. We were both sitting looking forward at this magnificent body of water. Then he spoke while still starring at the water.

"I have a message to sent out to the world."
"And I am going to do it through you"
" I choose you because I know you can handle it"
"Only, you'll never know what it is, and you never will"
"Now, you need to know, you have a long road ahead of you. It won't be easy. You'll go through a lot of ups and downs"
"But I PROMISE YOU, everything will be OK in the end"

And that was our conversation. Just the way I would want it. Short, to the point, but full of information, insight, and encouragement. Before I knew it, I was back in the hospital. The man was gone. No body of water anywhere, just the 4 walls around me and the television monitor connected to my bed.

I believe in a heaven and a hell. My relationship with God, is very special to me because its mine. That man was my God. He knew me, spoke my language, and gave me hope. After that, I've never seen him again since that day. But I don't need to ( I mean that of course in a good way).

My friends and family along with random strangers I've meet throughout my life are the best angles a girl can have. They know, as well the big guy upstairs knows, that Im not perfect. I have my flaws just like everyone else, and they still care and love me for it. That is so  rad!

So, Im here. 5 years and standing strong. I was told that I have a long road ahead of me and I best be walking on down it. I started on this path the day I realized I was alive, and trust me, there is absolutely no way I'm stopping now.

Thank you to everyone, and I mean EVERYONE who has been a cheerleader, a rock, a friend. You're part of this amazing story as much as I am. I truly love all of you and thank my lucky stars I have you in my court.

Today marks a huge milestone and a new beginning. Kids, my ticker is still running, and so am I :)


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