Thursday, December 8, 2011

Dinner, JUMPING, Christmas speaking fun

Quick little tid bit. Tuesday night, I attended the annual Presidents dinner at the country club with my dad. Good company and AMAZING food.

So....let's begin. Did the title of this post have the word  "jumping" in it? It sure does. Yesterday, I was back in therapy. Time to pump some iron. On a side note, I met with my personal trainer, ECLISIUS FRANKLIN, and my schedule has days marked to be in the gym. Yeah! Back to therapy. I worked with Ashlee first. Our time together, was working, and learning the fine art of buttoning buttons and also unbuttoning them. Let me just say this, it's not the easiest thing to do when I have to go to the bathroom. But, that was the exercise, and boy was it. I survived. Ashlee is a great therapist, she push's me in a positive way.

Now that my buttoning skills were pretty good, it was on to Physical Therapy with Teresa. Ok kids, with the exception of answering some phone calls in between ( which is actually a big no no) She and I kicked my butt! She had me jumping, I mean JUMPING, on a trampoline. It may sound as if it's not a big deal, but when you fall off a building and you're rebuilding your muscles..... it's a BIG deal. Haylea and her friend Jess were observing along with being mini cheerleaders.
This is the gym I do my physical therapy

Get ready......



Jumping, lots of fun, but boy does it work you out. I know now that with a little help, I am one mean, lean, jumping machine. After therapy, it was a mad dash to the house to get ready for the Jackie's International annual Christmas Party where I was speaking that night. 

What a set up, the place where the party was held looked like a winter wonderland. Everything, tables, chairs were decked out in red, white snow, ornaments, etc. The room felt like Christmas.

This picture really doesn't do the set up much justice, but I'm sure you get the idea. While I was giving a speech, my brother was in L.A taking pictures with interesting celebrities.

If you don't know who this is, don't worry, you're not missing out on much. Right now, I'm about to grab a bite to eat, then heading to a play my friends wrote. It's called " Every Christmas Story Ever Told (And then some). I plan on laughing alot. I'll make sure to give you the 411 later. 


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