Sunday, November 6, 2011

How I love the traveling life

Perhaps my love for traveling began with my father. My dad is from Caracas, Venezuela. Ever since I was itty bitty, we've traveled to Venezuela at least every other couple of years to visit my family. While on our visits we would usually pack a bag and travel to different beaches at least 2 hours away from where we were staying. So it was a mini vacation within a vacation.
Then my mother began fueling my love even more. My mother used to be in advertisement when I was younger. She would have these huge corporate meetings around the country she'd have to attend. Luckily, every now and then we could come with her. Which is always exciting when your a kid. It's a new place, new scenery, new adventures. A snowball effect had begun, and I liked it. Once middle school hit, it was traveling different places for choir competitions, band competitions, speech and debate was added, along with theater competitions, and the list goes on. To sum it all up, I enjoy traveling.
In the last 72 hours, almost 96, I've been to Clarksdale Mississippi, New Orleans, Jackson Mississippi, New Orleans, and now I'm back in Clarksdale. The funny thing is, I've enjoyed every second. With a crazy life such as mine, what would you expect?

Obviously there's no way I could have done all this traveling alone. Recently I just got a new assistant who is great! Let me back track. I can't drive yet and still need help here and there. So, the state has been nice to work with me and will pay for a personal care assistant. Sadly my last assistant had to leave. However he left due to some wonderful changes about to happen in his life. Though Blake had to say farewell, Haylea came up to the plate, and is ready for the challenge. With the last few days of driving, she's hung in there and is cool with the chaos.

So this is Haylea. She decided to go on this crazy ride as my assistant which I am very grateful of. All my assistants have been total blessings in disguise. I'm still mov'in and groov'in. For the next 2 days I'll be dancing it up in Clarksdale. Yea!


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