Friday, February 24, 2012

You're allowed to have bad days

Yesterday was just like any other day. I woke up, got dressed, greeted the day, headed out the door and was ready for whatever adventures lied ahead. Though, yesterday wasn't the best of days.

 There are things we can't control, and sometimes our days  can take a turn. Sometimes our days decide to poke at us, bully us, or throw an unexpected monkey wrench in the equation. Of course, it isn't until the very very end when our day finally decides to stop.

I'm assuming some folks, such as myself agree. Bad days stink. They're not fun. When they happen, it isn't exactly the easiest thing to get through, and time is definitely not you're friend. Depending on the type of bad day you're experiencing, or had, for some reason time doesn't seem to cooperate . Time is usually one of two things, a best friend, or your worst enemy. On bad days, they tend to be your worst enemy.

Bad days do happen, and they happen to everyone. That's something we all have in common. Something we don't have, is the way we decide to handle it. Obviously, when bad days happen you go through different emotions. You get mad. irritated, impatient, stressed, upset, etc. None of those words sound very pleasant. So in other words, you/re allowed to feel those things but don't allow yourself to get stuck there. Eventually, "this to shall pass". You can move through your funk, let it go. Easier said then done, but it IS POSSIBLE. To be or not to be, move forward or stay stuck? The choice is up to you.

I don't always have the best days. Some days aren't so picture perfect. Though there is something that I have to remind myself. Once the day is over, it's over forever. I'll never have that  bad day again. The day came and now it's gone, and luckily tomorrow is a new day. So, my choice when faced with a bad day is to accept it and move through it. Why stress it, it doesn't help or fix anything. I know that slowly but surely, it's going to be ok.

You know my choice, so what's yours? Every morning my grandfather says the same thing, no matter what the day holds, "open up your heart and let the sun shine in."


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