Yesterday was just like any other day. I woke up, got dressed, greeted the day, headed out the door and was ready for whatever adventures lied ahead. Though, yesterday wasn't the best of days.
There are things we can't control, and sometimes our days can take a turn. Sometimes our days decide to poke at us, bully us, or throw an unexpected monkey wrench in the equation. Of course, it isn't until the very very end when our day finally decides to stop.
I'm assuming some folks, such as myself agree. Bad days stink. They're not fun. When they happen, it isn't exactly the easiest thing to get through, and time is definitely not you're friend. Depending on the type of bad day you're experiencing, or had, for some reason time doesn't seem to cooperate . Time is usually one of two things, a best friend, or your worst enemy. On bad days, they tend to be your worst enemy.
Bad days do happen, and they happen to everyone. That's something we all have in common. Something we don't have, is the way we decide to handle it. Obviously, when bad days happen you go through different emotions. You get mad. irritated, impatient, stressed, upset, etc. None of those words sound very pleasant. So in other words, you/re allowed to feel those things but don't allow yourself to get stuck there. Eventually, "this to shall pass". You can move through your funk, let it go. Easier said then done, but it IS POSSIBLE. To be or not to be, move forward or stay stuck? The choice is up to you.
I don't always have the best days. Some days aren't so picture perfect. Though there is something that I have to remind myself. Once the day is over, it's over forever. I'll never have that bad day again. The day came and now it's gone, and luckily tomorrow is a new day. So, my choice when faced with a bad day is to accept it and move through it. Why stress it, it doesn't help or fix anything. I know that slowly but surely, it's going to be ok.
You know my choice, so what's yours? Every morning my grandfather says the same thing, no matter what the day holds, "open up your heart and let the sun shine in."
August 30, 2008 the unexpected happened. I got locked out of my apartment and went up to the roof, to see if I could go down the fire escape to get in. I remember looking over the edge and thinking, “No way- what am I? Spiderman? I turned to go and I don’t know if I slipped or what.But I fell six floors from the roof of my New York apartment building. How I survived is a miracle...

Friday, February 24, 2012
Monday, February 20, 2012
How to "coast"
When I think of the coast, automatically the beach pops in my head. It's kinda of my own personal word association game. The word is coast, I think beach. Beach,sand. Sand, water. Water, relaxation.Which brings me to the word coasting.
You've heard the saying "coasting through life", which isn't necessarily a good thing. If refers to someone who doesn't improve themselves and has no goals.
However, in my world it can also have a good meaning.
My definition of coasting through life-
doing good work, putting your best in all you do, keeping a cool head, positive attitude, turning stress away, and enjoying getting up in the morning. Thus, you coast with grace and ease.
Obviously, life isn't always smooth sailing. We'd all be bored if it was. Though, when major obstacles are placed in front of you, will you tackle it from the beginning with the attitude that this will be terrible, long, and very tiring? Or, that you'll handle it with grace, make it through with your head held high, come out on top, so you can keep coasting?
I know my answer, what's yours?
You've heard the saying "coasting through life", which isn't necessarily a good thing. If refers to someone who doesn't improve themselves and has no goals.
However, in my world it can also have a good meaning.
My definition of coasting through life-
doing good work, putting your best in all you do, keeping a cool head, positive attitude, turning stress away, and enjoying getting up in the morning. Thus, you coast with grace and ease.
Obviously, life isn't always smooth sailing. We'd all be bored if it was. Though, when major obstacles are placed in front of you, will you tackle it from the beginning with the attitude that this will be terrible, long, and very tiring? Or, that you'll handle it with grace, make it through with your head held high, come out on top, so you can keep coasting?
I know my answer, what's yours?
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
One for All
February 14th. Valentines Day. A holiday non the less, but a very beautiful holiday. Wikipedia explains that Valentines Day as such:
The day first became associated with romantic love in the circle of Geoffrey Chaucer in the High Middle Ages, when the tradition of courtly love flourished. By the 15th century, it had evolved into an occasion in which lovers expressed their love for each other by presenting flowers, offeringconfectionery, and sending greeting cards (known as "valentines").[1][3]
Very nice. However, if your situation happens to be the one where you celebrate this holiday with yourself....well.....THEN GO CELEBRATE!
It's a very foreign concept to me when I hear about people who automatically decide that on days such as today, will be miserable. Period. That the world sucks because everyone seems to have what you don't. So, an order of misery is the special on today's menu. It's on your agenda, and at the end of the day you'll sleep, wake up the next day, and what the hell, you'll do it all over again.
Personally, having the dark rain cloud of doom and gloom over my head doesn't really sound appealing. The point I'm trying to make is this. Everyday when we wake up, we have two options 1) am I gonna have a good day or 2) a bad day. Granted you can't predict what the days events will hold. However, the day can actually start rolling quit nicely depending on the route you wish to take.
Which brings me back to today. Valentines Day. I don't necessarily have a valentine, but it's still a holiday. Still a celebration between others. Still a joy to look around and see that happiness does indeed exist.
The day first became associated with romantic love in the circle of Geoffrey Chaucer in the High Middle Ages, when the tradition of courtly love flourished. By the 15th century, it had evolved into an occasion in which lovers expressed their love for each other by presenting flowers, offeringconfectionery, and sending greeting cards (known as "valentines").[1][3]
Very nice. However, if your situation happens to be the one where you celebrate this holiday with yourself....well.....THEN GO CELEBRATE!
It's a very foreign concept to me when I hear about people who automatically decide that on days such as today, will be miserable. Period. That the world sucks because everyone seems to have what you don't. So, an order of misery is the special on today's menu. It's on your agenda, and at the end of the day you'll sleep, wake up the next day, and what the hell, you'll do it all over again.
Personally, having the dark rain cloud of doom and gloom over my head doesn't really sound appealing. The point I'm trying to make is this. Everyday when we wake up, we have two options 1) am I gonna have a good day or 2) a bad day. Granted you can't predict what the days events will hold. However, the day can actually start rolling quit nicely depending on the route you wish to take.
Which brings me back to today. Valentines Day. I don't necessarily have a valentine, but it's still a holiday. Still a celebration between others. Still a joy to look around and see that happiness does indeed exist.
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
How I love staying busy!
About three years ago, I was talking with my friend, Talameika, and the topic of our conversation went a little something like this; "I'm just SO ready for something to start happening." At the time we were both pretty bored with the work we were doing, or not doing. Now, three years after that conversation, I'm running around, travelling, telling my story, and I couldn't be happier! In other words, I'm busy and I've been staying busy with a smile across my face. Talamieka and her husband, Charles, are now extremely busy with their new business, Brice Media, where they do graphic design work, illustration, and photography! They are pretty great at what they do! If you want to check out some of their work just take a look at my website.. the opening image was done by Brice Media, along with the majority of photos in my gallery!
I know that I've neglected this blog and I thought I would give you some insight as to why. So now that we're all caught up.. I've got some pretty amazing news that I'd like to share with everyone. It's a new year, time for change, and time for reinvention. Which is exactly what I'm doing now. I just told you I'm speaking, yes. But what else do I really do?
I am in the business of hope. I've found the key that I've been searching for to unlock useful information for other people like me, but it can translate to every day life as well. I've been asked by many people, "So have you always had this positive attitude? Like, how did you get through it? I wish I had what you have." The thing is, you DO have what I have. Have I always been this positive? No, I'm not sub human, I have emotions and good days and bad days just like everyone else. I just choose to have more better days than bad. Everyone has a choice when they wake up in the morning: Good day or bad day? When you've gone through a traumatic accident, the world you once knew seems so foreign. Everything has changed over night. Building blocks that you've stacked up, year after year, that made you who you are, have been knocked back down to square one. Now is the time that you can go one of two ways. From the minute I had my accident, I knew I had a long road ahead of me. I had to suck up my pride and I knew that it was going to be a very tough, long road. In the end I knew I could do it and I was prepared to do it with a smile.
When you suffer something like I have, a spinal cord injury (SCI), nobody knows what you're going through but you. That's step one. Acknowledging. Step two: How are you going to handle it? This goes back to my positiveness. I chose to handle mine, without a fight. I knew that eventually, things were going to get better. The proof is in the pudding.. and my life has gotten SO much better. It wasn't going to happen over night, but with good work comes results. There are still mountains, I have yet to climb; and there are still roads that I may never go down. For every road I won't be able to go down, I find a new path to lead me in a new direction, and so can you.
I know that I've neglected this blog and I thought I would give you some insight as to why. So now that we're all caught up.. I've got some pretty amazing news that I'd like to share with everyone. It's a new year, time for change, and time for reinvention. Which is exactly what I'm doing now. I just told you I'm speaking, yes. But what else do I really do?
I am in the business of hope. I've found the key that I've been searching for to unlock useful information for other people like me, but it can translate to every day life as well. I've been asked by many people, "So have you always had this positive attitude? Like, how did you get through it? I wish I had what you have." The thing is, you DO have what I have. Have I always been this positive? No, I'm not sub human, I have emotions and good days and bad days just like everyone else. I just choose to have more better days than bad. Everyone has a choice when they wake up in the morning: Good day or bad day? When you've gone through a traumatic accident, the world you once knew seems so foreign. Everything has changed over night. Building blocks that you've stacked up, year after year, that made you who you are, have been knocked back down to square one. Now is the time that you can go one of two ways. From the minute I had my accident, I knew I had a long road ahead of me. I had to suck up my pride and I knew that it was going to be a very tough, long road. In the end I knew I could do it and I was prepared to do it with a smile.
When you suffer something like I have, a spinal cord injury (SCI), nobody knows what you're going through but you. That's step one. Acknowledging. Step two: How are you going to handle it? This goes back to my positiveness. I chose to handle mine, without a fight. I knew that eventually, things were going to get better. The proof is in the pudding.. and my life has gotten SO much better. It wasn't going to happen over night, but with good work comes results. There are still mountains, I have yet to climb; and there are still roads that I may never go down. For every road I won't be able to go down, I find a new path to lead me in a new direction, and so can you.
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