Monday, April 18, 2016

Productivity!!! Why is it so hard!?!?!?

That's right, I said it. Productivity is an easy concept. Work hard and you'll see accomplishment. So why oh why is it harder and harder to achieve? This my friends is the rut I find myself and many others are in during this time of the year. 

Think about it, summer is slowly approaching, the weather is getting warmer and you want freedom. Freedom  away from what ever going on in your life at the moment. Whether you are in school, an office, a mail room, whatever room your in with a window, you find yourself longing more and more to be outside and leave your priorities back behind you. 

The truth is, in a perfect world that would be lovely. The reality is, you have to swallow those thoughts, finish up what needs to be done, (meet your priorities), then, go play away. And when you do play, it will be way more fun and rewarding because you earned it! 

It's tough to be a big kid. It's tough not to just stop what you're doing and go play hooky, but you can make it. Nobody said life was easy. But, would you really want it to be? I mean, where's the fun in that? 


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