I am a believer of being an individual. I also believe that when we work together creatively and collaboratively we can open many different doors. One day, and we'll never know when that day is, our time to shine will come, and when it does, it really will be like none other. This movie exudes that message. Indeed, it is a kids/family-friendly movie, but adults can enjoy just as well, this gal did.
If you haven't seen this movie, here is one critics take on the over all message:
"At its core “The LEGO Movie” epitomizes the internal struggle every LEGO lover has when they open a new set of the plastic bricks: Should I follow the instructions or go my own way? And it is inescapable which side the film comes down on. It stands its ground as an endorsement of creative, collaborative, and free play — for both kids and adults. The heroes in the film are rebels who figure out that you don’t have to follow the instructions and that, if you work together, you can save the world"
That last line is unbelievable:
"You don’t have to follow the instructions and that, if you work together, you can save the world"
So, being an individual makes us who we are. Working TOGETHER opens a world of possibilities, which brings me to the movie's poetically perfect theme song, EVERYTHING IS AWESOME! EVERYTHING IS COOL WHEN WE'RE PART OF A TEAM!!
Everything the main character expresses in this quick excerpt, I agree with....with the exception of the overpriced coffee. Many of us have fallen victim to this before.
You are special, and you posse many qualities that if used correctly, maybe in a group setting, could be absolutely awesome.
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