Before my accident, when I was shaping myself to be a dancer, yoga was something incorporated in all my dance classes. My professors usually infused yoga and dance together for every warm up we had at the beginning of class. My first attempt at this warm up was awful. I was struggling to keep up, sweating through every single pore. My body was so tight (tight hamstrings, muscles, etc.) every move felt ridiculous because I could do only half of it , mainly because of my lack of flexibility.
Well, I was determined to get better at this warm up. So day after day, class after class I kept at it. Then one day, almost as if everything fell into place, I seemed to have a flow with it. I wasn't struggling, the warm up made sense and I could feel just how in tuned to my body I had become.
Fast ward years later- I had an accident. I fell off a building. My once very loose, very powerful body was now back at the very beginning. My body was tight, wound up, stiff, and not showing many signs of flexibility.
Sure, there were exercises I did in physical therapy, but non to the extent that yoga played...until one therapist of mine recommend I get back into it about five years ago.
My return back was at a YOGA studio in MS. The instructor was Debi Lewis. A little unsure how I could handle it, I gave it a a shot. Debi was an amazing instructor and patient. Her verbal ques and the way she treated me (like I was just like everyone else), was really important. Information kept flooding back into my brain remembering certain moves, relaxing into certain positions and so on. But the best part, was that I started feeling and seeing results.
I kept at it for about a year. Life started to get busy for me, and I neglected my yoga practice for about two years. Until I started going back and forth to New Orleans so much. About a year and a half of traveling, I decided to pick up some classes at a yoga studio in Nola.
Once again, it felt like starting from scratch. Eventually, by the sixth class, I could once again, see and feel results. My body really embraced this practice. I had only bought enough for 20 classes, so once my time was up, it was time for a renewal. Wanting to expand my horizon, I discovered a yoga Studio not far from where I stay when I'm in New Orleans...Balance yoga.
I've been going to Balance for the last couple of months. Not consistently, due to a crazy schedule, but I try to go as frequently as I can.
My first attempt back was the same as it's always been. I was starting from scratch. However, I've been very lucky, for all the different studios Ive been to, I've always had really amazing instructors. This was no exception. You know when you meet someone and you just click right away? That was my feeling after my first class. The instructor and owner, Jessica, had this very nurturing, kind, and patient Ora about her that made it easy to trust her automatically. I noticed that whenever she came over to help me or anyone else, she really and truly gives you her full undivided attention. As does the rest of the instructors
Here is why I have a very special place in my heart for this studio and their instructors. I have been going to these early morning classes, getting tweaked what needs to, and making sure my forms are all accurate, and I decided to branch out and take another morning class one day, you know, to test the waters. My first class, a low impact class with Erin,

Tracy. Tracy was my instructor. Again, her class was low impact but had a great flow. So class is winding down, we've engaged our proper muscles, our bodies are warm and she invites people to participate/try to do and work on their own hand stands.
Side note- I learned how to do a handstand before my accident. I got really good at it, then after my accident never really attempted it since.
I thought, why not? You never know unless you try right? So, Tracey is so kind, and watches my first attempt- which, with the aid of a fellow classmate, I did a handstand!!!! After a huge moment like that, I had to document it- only this time, Tracy was my aid, and here are the results:
Yep, no stunt double. Just me, Tracy, and a HANDSTAND!!! By the way, I didn't totally come crashing down. The feeling of ''possibilities'' at what this body can potentially do was such an incredible feeling. Possibilities are out there for you, you just have to make the first step towards them.
Right now Balance Yoga and I have a great relationship. I plan to keep it that way.