Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Find the fun

no drama.  Love this!  A good friend & parent in my son's cub scout den always says..."Keep it positive!"  I like her!  She's taught me a lot in the last 3 months with that one sentence!  Now I'm LIVING it!  Pass it on!

I really like this quote. Especially the part "Have Fun". Sometimes with the hustle and bustle in our lives, I think we forget to just let go, and have fun. Having fun with our work, with whatever projects have going on, situations we're in, it's good to find the fun in it. 

Right now, I'm in rehearsals for a dance piece I was asked to perform in. I've been in rehearsal since the beginning of February and will be performing this Saturday, March 1st at Belhaven University. Here is a snippet of the dance:

You'd think I'd be thrilled, but actually, it's hard for me to watch this video. All I see are imperfections, and that my performance doesn't meet my standards. I know I can do better. In other words, I'm not having fun. Every thought going through my head is how I can make my steps better and I'm aggravated that my body isn't doing what I want it to. The work I'm putting in is more geared towards perfection instead of the movement just flowing because I'm enjoying what I'm doing. Not to mention, I'm completely forgetting that um...I fell off a building...and shouldn't even really be here. 

So, I had to take a deep breath, step back, and realize...I'm dancing. One more time,
Why would I not want to enjoy this? Why all the stress to be perfect? Why not just have fun with this?

It seems like that would be better, and much more fun. I'm putting in the work, so knowing that, it's time to ignore the drama inside my head. It's time to have fun.


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