Wednesday, December 23, 2015


I meant to post this yesterday, but instead I'm doing it today

Christmas is about... #quotes:  


“Maybe Christmas,” he thought,” doesn’t come from a store. Maybe Christmas…perhaps…means a little bit more!”:  

 Christmas Printable:


Monday, December 14, 2015

Busy sidewalks, city sidewalks, dressed in holiday style..

...and good tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joy, and good tidings of comfort and joy.

Once again, we are in the holidays! Here's some Christmas funnies and holiday cheer!

Charlie Brown Christmas. It's not what's under the Christmas tree that matters; it's who's around it...:      

How the Grinch gave back Christmas!:  

Ah, clean Christmas humor worth a chuckle:-):  

 Funny pins.. Photos Image Picture,Share or Repin it or on g+ or facebook:   

I need to remember this!:  

Ego says, "Once everything falls into place, I'll feel peace." Spirit says, "Find you peace, and then everything will fall into place. - Marianne Williamson. #quote:  

RP by the suction-mount, waterproof iPad, tablet, smartcase. Grab one under $44 indoor bathroom funny funny quotes humor christmas christmas tree christmas quotes christmas quote christmas humor:  


Wednesday, December 9, 2015

On the 9th day of Christmas my true love gave to me...

 It's the most wonderful time of the year…

 December, December, December!! 

 I went to yoga the other day and of course at the beginning of class the instructor gave one of her many dharma talks and it got me thinking. Her talk was regarding Christmas presents.  Some believe in them some do not.

Sometimes  we get presents for people because we want to...or feel obligated to.  When we do, for whatever reason we will give them whatever, and usually when it is "whatever", that present more than likely will find its way into the hands of someone else or in the trash.

I feel as if a present is a way of saying, hey, I was thinking of you and wanted to get you this. After all, it's the thought that counts, right?  But here's the thing,  did you really want to give them what you did, or is it something that took you five seconds or maybe five minutes?

 40 Random Acts of (Christmas) Kindness:

My point is, it doesn't matter if the gift is big or small. The fact that you stopped and took time to think of someone else is huge and much appreciated. You know what I mean. It's that feeling you get when someone is kind enough to get you something, and it's that something with thought behind it. That's one of the sweetest feelings.

So, if you are a giver during this time, don't worry about breaking the bank for a gift, just think of the person you're giving it to, why you want to, and take a moment to think about something that will give each one of you that feeling of love. And if they don't appreciate it, their loss. Just be happy that you have a great heart. I believe in karma, and it can strike back hard for some scrooges during the holidays.

 This is the best prank Ive ever seen. (aka beautiful gesture) Check out the website to see more:

Be kind, be you, and tis the season to think of others ( perhaps all year round)


Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Love, peace, togetherness

 Why can't we all just get along?

 It's such a simple phrase and yet we somehow find it so hard to do.

I'm not a fan of violence never have been. OK, maybe when I'm watching a James Bond film I like a little action but that's about it. I prefer action on the big screen rather than in real life.

There are no comforting words I can give about the recent events that have happened in France and around the world other then, let's acknowledge and send our love and support for all the victims and their families, and everyone that was affected by these events.

Perhaps one day we can all just get along.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Just a little story

When I was in college I was very focused on doing what I needed to do to get to where I needed to be. In a way, I guess you could say, I had blinders on. In my head, it was just me, and doing the task at hand. Oddly enough, my fellow classmates had the same agenda for themselves..

One day in dance class our  professor gave us this tough dance combination to learn and gave us ten minutes to reverse the entire thing and perform it in groups.  So automatically, everyone in the class scattered around the room to find a practice space and start piecing the dance together.

I, like everyone else in the room, went into tunnel vision and we were all just trying to get this dance combination together. About three minutes into our personal practice time, I saw a girl in my class confused. She kept going up to different people in class desperate for someone to just help her figure out this one dance move. Over and over again, I saw classmates shrug her off so they could focus on the task at hand, including myself. As I watched her get shrugged off over and over again, it hit me.  This girl really needs help. She wasn't asking for much,  she just needed a little perspective.

Sometimes we get so caught up with our own needs and what we want that we completely turn a blind eye to any and everything around us. In this case, it was completely obvious she needed help, but no one wanted to stop what they were doing to help. I thought about it for a second, and thought what if this was me, what if I was in her shoes right now? Well..I would want someone to help me. I took a deep breath, walked up to her and asked if she needed help trying to figure out this combination. Her eyes immediately got real wide as she replied "yes",  and I/we spent the remainder of our time going over the entire combination. One by one we each got up to perform the combination and when it was her turn I could see the confidence over her face because she now knew what she was doing.

 It's been almost a decade since that day and we've been close friends ever since.

 Look I understand everyone has their own agenda.  We have our own lives, our own problems, and our own tasks at hand. Although it only takes a minute or two to help someone.  Nobody paid me to help her,  I never got some major award for being kind,  but the satisfaction of knowing I gave somebody a better peace of mind is more rewarding than any piece of metal or  plaque I could ever received. I just thought, if I was in need of help I would want someone to step up and help me.

Taking those few minutes to stop and help, gained me a friendship that I will have for life. So take a moment out of your"me,me,me" mentality every now and then and lend a hand. It's worth it, trust me.


Tuesday, October 20, 2015

October 20, 2015 National Face Your Fears Day

You MUST face your fears to excel from where you are in life See work from home ideas ~~><~~:

This is not a joke, I repeat, NOT A JOKE. This is real!! Today, October 20, 2015:


Here's what I found out about the holiday according to :

About the Holiday

National Face Your Fears Day is a day to help people identify, face and overcome their fears. Many people are held captive by their fears, this day is to encourage people to discover more about themselves, and the ways to overcome their fears. Today is about courage, facing your fear and taking control. 

Why Facing Your Fears Diminishes Them Immediately. —  

30 Funny Illustrations about Simple Truths of Life via Art & Psychology. Pinned by | #psychology #humor:

I couldn't have said it better myself. I think this holiday is perfect for this month, especially since Halloween is right around the corner with thanksgiving and Christmas close behind.

 john kenn mortensen:

Face your fears! Be not afraid! You can do it!!

Face your fears quote with elephant and mouse illustration via  

Fear is all in our minds,, Learn to Trust God and Let it Go.. -dyn:


Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Things happen

It's Tuesday!

Sep 27, 2015 we had a very rare occurrence. So rare, it only happens once every number of years. In fact, the next appearance won't be for another 18 years. I am talking about, the Blood Moon Unless you've been living under a rock for the past week, you should be familiar with what I'm talking about. It's only been televised, posted on face book, Twitter, Instagram and more.

The Blood Moon: very rare, and very spectacular. I, like many others I know, spent the better part of last week waiting in anticipation for Sunday when the Blood Moon was going to make its grand entrance. There was just one slight problem when Sunday finally came. Down South, where I am, it was extremely overcast, and being able to see this Blood Moon wasn't really looking to good. In fact, that night, the moon did present itself, there where just clouds blocking the view the whole night. So, sadly, there was no blood moon sighting for us folks down south. Maybe a few, but not that much. In other words, all that  waiting, and no moon to see. Silly clouds...

Isn't that something, you build and build something up only to have the universe interfere, and you get let down. For me, I get bad about anticipating events, and when they don't turn up or go as I imagined, I get let down. So now, I'm down, in a bad mood, and not having a good time. Therefore, everything is a bust...or is it?
Hear me out. 

There was no moon to see, and yet, I wasn't as disappointed as I thought I would be. Why? Mainly because I made the most of it. You see, though there wasn't a blood moon to see, it was still a nice night. The air was a good temperature, there was a steady breeze, if you had no idea the blood moon was showing itself, it wouldn't have mattered. 

There is a point here. What I'm trying to get across, is that we as humans, sometimes build things up to a point that if anything we have built up is obstructed, we automatically go into bad mood mode. But does it have to be that way? Why not just take a second to know that things have changed, what you thought was going to happen isn't, and make the best of the situation. Now, I understand that sometimes you'll find yourself just incapable to do this. I get it. However, it is possible to make the best out of a bad situation, and when you do, your mood goes up. No more negative thoughts. You have now successfully put yourself in a positive head space.



Tuesday, September 22, 2015


I had a very wonderful women give me this quote that I felt compelled to share with all of you.

" Today I had a conversation with my TRUE SELF.
 She asked me why I had abandoned her, why I had ignored all her constant ADVICE.
 And then she reminded me of all the things I had FORGOTTEN.
 And never once did she say, 'I TOLD YOU SO' "

Monique Duval


Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Fear be gone

Fear is fuel.

This is a good one. Fear. What exactly does fear mean to you? Are you one of those people who refuses to try certain things because you have a fear of them? Or maybe you are one of those people that already has a fear of something you've already set your mind to. Perhaps you are one of those people that had a traumatic experience with something years ago,  now you have a fear of it that has/will plague you for years. The point is, we all have some type of fear. 

Fear is that friend at a party who you can see across the room. All night you basically keep them in eye sight but at a very far distance.

One of the ways I view fear, is as a challenge. Like, tackling a project I was afraid to attempt, but did it anyway. It always starts the same, at first I'm apprehensive, nervous, and of course scared. Usually I'll look for advice from friends I respect and trust, take in what they said and compute the information and thoughts they gave me. After that, that's when I have my own inner self and conscience formulate a plan of action, which always morphs into something that shows me just the kind of person I am. There's always a voice somewhere inside telling me, "Nicole, I know you really want this, and yes at times it will be scary..but hey, what is it that you're really scared of?" Nonsense. All those 'what if' questions you have are just nonsense. Just go for it! If you fail you fail, but hey, at the least you can say you tried, and you did it.

Does it work all the time? No, but guess what? That's life, the cards won't always be in your favor. However, even though I've faced my fears and jumped when I didn't want to, I can look back and say that I have had more success tackling my fears then not. My point is look, I mean really look at the fears you have in your life that are holding you back from whatever is standing in the way between you and something you want to accomplish. Are they really that big, or are you making them that way? By making excuses, you just give more life to your fears.

 Releasing the Fear // thought provoking post by @Katy Widrick on facing your fears, and taking the power back:

Fear is something we all possess whether we admit it or not. The choice to move past it or keep letting it consume you is in your hands. Admitting and acknowledging your fear is the first big step you can make for yourself.


Thursday, September 10, 2015

"Practice on"


The other day, I went to a yoga class. Right at the beginning of the class we went through a series of stretches to get our bodies warm before really diving into all the tough stuff. One of the exercises required us to use a yoga prop, which was a yoga block.  For those of you out there that are unfamiliar with what a yoga block is and what it is used for, here ya go:  

Blocks can be really useful in the practice for both the beginner and  seasoned yogi. Click below to read more.:  

 Yoga poses using blocks <div class="pinSocialMeta"> <a class="socialItem" href="/pin/294915475573144323/repins/"> <em class="repinIconSmall"></em> <em class="socialMetaCount repinCountSmall"> 1 </em> </a> <a class="socialItem likes" href="/pin/294915475573144323/likes/"> <em class="likeIconSmall"></em> <em class="socialMetaCount likeCountSmall"> 1 </em> </a>:

We were lying on our backs holding the yoga block right over our heads, and moving it as far as we could go and then moving it in front of us as far as we could go. Basically we were creating a see- saw with our arms moving them back and forth while holding the block.

Well, before we started this little exercise, we are all holding out the block above our heads, and I noticed something. Imprinted on the block, was a small message, "Practice On".

"Practice On"....


I hit on the topic of "practice" and its importance the other day, and I'm finding myself continuing with this theme. During my speeches, I have a small section where I talk about my education in the arts. One of the biggest things I learned from my education in the arts is that anything worth having is working for. You have to work work, you have to practice, practice, and try....try again. Never give up on yourself.

I guess in my mind I believe that if you want to be good at something for yourself, you have the ability to do so. Just keep working at it. Sadly, this doesn't happen over night. It takes time, and it takes Practice. Though, through all the hard work, all the will eventually reveal itself to you when you least expect it, and when it does, you'll realize that Practice really does makes perfect. Take it from one who knows :)

