It's October! It's October 29th!!!! I can't believe I haven't written something on this month or this blog since September. Granted, there have been a few events in my life that have taken place in the last few weeks (nothing major, but I will inform later), but man oh man...I need to write.
So, as I said, it's October!! It's pretty much the end of October, but it's October!! This is crazy. If you've read any of my past posts, you should know that I am a big fan of the fall,
of this month, and especially of Halloween. Though, I like the goofy cheesy side of Halloween, not so much the scary aspects of it (ex: crazy horror movies, terrifying haunted houses, or ridiculous scary jaw dropping costumes),
instead I prefer the silly silly side. I dig the pumpkin carving, seeking out the seasonal Halloween stores and having way too much fun going down aisles and aisles of costumes, watching the most delightful Halloween films (Hocus ado, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, GhostBusters, etc.) and the list keeps going. Basically, I dig it!
With that said, there is one more thing I enjoy about the fall, which I will share. Judge if you must, but I dig pumpkin and of course the ever popular, ever so aggravating, laughable, pumpkin coffee drink. Yes, it's true, I Nicole Marquez, am that classic case of every girl that LOVES pumpkin. Although, I do agree with all the goofy pumpkin fall jokes and clichés, all are funny and almost always accurate.
It is now officially the weekend before Halloween, so go play, dress up, eat candy, take in a flick. I mean, after all, it is a holiday, so let's celebrate.
As for my weeks of hiatus, well, I had a small surgery done. Nothing major, but definitely something I need to recoup from. I'm not really suppose to be bending, twisting, or stretching, which hasn't been tons of fun (I really enjoy working out and taking care of my body), so being a couch potato these last few weeks was fun for a moment but that moment has long gone and I'm ready to start getting my work out again. Note to self: have patience.
With that said, I bid you ado. I'll be writing more and thank you for reading. Have a very happy very spooky Friday!!