Tuesday, July 26, 2016

War of Wars

The war of wars...

That's what this country feels like right now. It feels like we are at war with the weather, mass shootings, republicans against democrats, democrats against democrats, the news, and it just seems like the list keeps going. In fact, I'm writing this post while riding on a train. All the people around me are to busy debating and arguing about Donald Trump and Hilary Clinton that the are missing all this beautiful scenery that is continuously passing by us. 

 So, in times like these I take the neutral road. I stay away from conversations, face book feeds, Twitter posts, and anything else involving social media regarding politics, religion, etc and focus on the positive. 

I live in a free country. Watching YouTube videos of soldiers coming back from war greeted by their dogs makes me tear up. Learning how to make some amazing dish I saw on the food network makes life sweeter. 

Laughing and smiling feels so much better the feeling bitter and mad. 

This method may not work for some, but it does for me. I find my head doesn't hurt as much. My stomach doesn't feel like it's in a 1,000 knots, and my attention starts to shift back to the good rather then the bad. 

There is little I can do or fix to make this world, but I have a small solution. My solution is to think positively, to be happy. Enjoy that There are so many things to be excited about and look forward to. Like, once I got home, I watched videos of puppies and immediately felt happy. I mean, who doesn't feel a little happier watching videos of puppies? Right? 

Try to find happiness when you feel as if your surrounded by chaos. It's out there.
