August 30, 2008 the unexpected happened. I got locked out of my apartment and went up to the roof, to see if I could go down the fire escape to get in. I remember looking over the edge and thinking, “No way- what am I? Spiderman? I turned to go and I don’t know if I slipped or what.But I fell six floors from the roof of my New York apartment building. How I survived is a miracle...
...and good tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joy, and good tidings of comfort and joy. Once again, we are in the holidays! Here's some Christmas funnies and holiday cheer!
December, December, December!! I went to yoga the other day and of course at the beginning of class the instructor gave one of her many dharma talks and it got me thinking. Her talk was regarding Christmas presents. Some believe in them some do not. Sometimes we get presents for people because we want to...or feel obligated to. When we do, for whatever reason we will give them whatever, and usually when it is "whatever", that present more than likely will find its way into the hands of someone else or in the trash. I feel as if a present is a way of saying, hey, I was thinking of you and wanted to get you this. After all, it's the thought that counts, right? But here's the thing, did you really want to give them what you did, or is it something that took you five seconds or maybe five minutes?
My point is, it doesn't matter if the gift is big or small. The fact that you stopped and took time to think of someone else is huge and much appreciated. You know what I mean. It's that feeling you get when someone is kind enough to get you something, and it's that something with thought behind it. That's one of the sweetest feelings. So, if you are a giver during this time, don't worry about breaking the bank for a gift, just think of the person you're giving it to, why you want to, and take a moment to think about something that will give each one of you that feeling of love. And if they don't appreciate it, their loss. Just be happy that you have a great heart. I believe in karma, and it can strike back hard for some scrooges during the holidays.
Be kind, be you, and tis the season to think of others ( perhaps all year round) Nicole