Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Strike a chord

Happy Thursday!!

I love when I see/find videos that really hit on matters that make you think. I saw this monologue the other day and I was immediately floored at how beautiful it was. This monologue was even talked about on Good morning America. I'd love to show you the whole monologue, however some of the language isn't exactly PG.  So, here is the news story with the clean version. Enjoy, and have a great day!

People need to learn that everyone has a purpose and a story so if u dont know it then dont juge by how ppl look or who they are ppl need to learn to not be so judge mental!!! Becuase in reality no one is pefect either!! So take a minute before your about to judge someone and look in the mirror- keep your opinion to yourself 


Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Give Nola Day

Hey, hey, hey!!

Yesterday I was in New Orleans to for Give Nola Day supporting the Brain Injury Association of Louisiana.

"GiveNOLA Day is a 24-hour, online giving event organized by the Greater New Orleans Foundation to ignite the giving community in Southeast Louisiana. The goal is to inspire the community to come together for 24 hours to contribute as many charitable dollars as possible to support the work of local nonprofit organizations."

It was a great day, and, drum roll,  they raised a total of $8, 290 with over 98 donations! And those donations help the brain injury and spinal cord injury survivor community!
