Go with me here:
Everyone has has those days when your world just stops, and you find yourself curled up on the couch. You occasionally get up for bathroom breaks, a snack here and there, and sleep on an off all day as random television shows play on the television in the background. That to me is just one example of how being lazy just feels so good. Now though the feeling of being lazy can definitely be a relaxing one, it can also be a tad bit boring.
Ever heard that saying "The world is just passing you by"? Whenever I try to pry some of my friends away from the couch to come join the land of the living, that's usually the line I use. However, once they do come out, they realize there's a whole world that exists away from their couch. It takes a little push, but ultimately they tend to budge and venture out.
I find the most relaxing lazy days are the ones that happen right after I've put all my energy and effort into a project, work, etc. There is something so gratifying about seeing, feeling, and experiencing the final product of whatever it is you worked on come together 110%. Though, the ultimate payoff, is kicking back, relaxing, and yes, being lazy. Try it out sometimes. Lazy to be lazy- not to exciting. Rewarding yourself with being lazy because it's well deserved.....priceless.
So, lazy can be ok. Especially when well deserved. Sometimes you just need to recharge after exerting all your energy. I say, just choose your lazy wisely because when it's due to your success, buddy.....it can be something that feels so so good...