Thursday, March 17, 2016

Procrastination 😅

The art of Procrastination:

Procrastination is indeed very simple,
Your mind wonders from one thing to the next.
Except for the task that needs to be completed,
And Procrastination can delay you on the road to success.

Doing the task intended,
Is sometimes,very hard to do.
You know you must get started,
But there are other pressing things to do.

Like watching that video on YouTube,
Or looking at some stats.

Or this one last episode of something,
Or loving up on your dog or cat.

Despite these minor set backs, the feelings still the same.
Procrastination can get yeah,
then your left feeling stressed and ashamed.

Suck it up and do it.
So it will be done and you can move on.

Why put things off forever?
It's not like it's any fun.

Stressed isn't a state of happiness.
Trust me, Accomplishment is way more for fun to do.


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