Tuesday, May 10, 2016


 We all have guilty pleasures. One of mine happens to be pop music, the cheesy kind. I can go from Vivaldi's Four Seasons, to Justin Biebers "Sorry" in a snap (judge if you must 😂). Yesterday I was listening to Katy Perry's  "Firework", and there is a line in the song that stood out:

"You just got to ignite the light, and let it shine"

This grabbed my attention, mainly because I started thinking about the light we all have inside of us. That light that goes dim from time to time because we get busy. Sometimes we get stressed, we get overwhelmed, we sometimes unconsciously put our selves in positions where we invite drama, struggle, procrastination and whatever else into our lives. This keeps us from our goals. Once we become aware of this and are ready to make a change, we then ignite that light we posse inside. The light that shows us the path we need to get back on.

Trust that there is a light inside of you ready to burst forth into the world. A light that needs and deserves to be seen and illuminated. Ultimately, it's up to you to let your light shine! When it does, it's brightness will have no end!

Most IMPORTANTLY, it is up to you. I know you're familiar with the saying "haters gonna hate", then also know this, "goals can/will be met". The key...is to IGNITE that light, and after its lit, let it shine.


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