Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Attitude is everything

 I was on the phone with my aunt this morning and during our conversation we were discussing how throughout our life, we each go through ups and downs, highs and lows, and we also encounter situations we really don't want to be in. There are also major events that happen in our lives that will completely change us forever. Events that we can repress, and stay in a funk, or accept and let it be our drive. She then expressed to me how it's all about your attitude.

This I believe to be true. It's all about attitude. We have to make decisions in our life based on the choices we make. The good AND the bad. Trust me, I speak from experience (chuckle).

Here is a very important lesson. At the end of the day- get over yourself.

Look, throughout our time on this earth there will be a multitude of things we wish we could have done, had, or re-do. We all have things that are not perfect in our lives. 

Want not perfect? A bad idea I attempted then walked away from left me with a brain and spinal cord injury. Things will never be the same. My life is different now, and guess what? It's not the end of the world, and I've accepted it. I'm making the most of it instead of annoying people with my trials and tribulations.


You make the choice to choose what your life looks like.  ATTITUDE is everything


1 comment:

  1. Great testimony and great encouragement. Reminds me of another Nicole who overcame a head injury from a car wreck several years ago. We prayed for her and she worked hard to come through it! Bless you Nicole! I'm praying for you! Marie
