Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Fear be gone

Fear is fuel.      www.TylerYoga.com www.SadieNardini.com:

This is a good one. Fear. What exactly does fear mean to you? Are you one of those people who refuses to try certain things because you have a fear of them? Or maybe you are one of those people that already has a fear of something you've already set your mind to. Perhaps you are one of those people that had a traumatic experience with something years ago,  now you have a fear of it that has/will plague you for years. The point is, we all have some type of fear. 

Fear is that friend at a party who you can see across the room. All night you basically keep them in eye sight but at a very far distance.

One of the ways I view fear, is as a challenge. Like, tackling a project I was afraid to attempt, but did it anyway. It always starts the same, at first I'm apprehensive, nervous, and of course scared. Usually I'll look for advice from friends I respect and trust, take in what they said and compute the information and thoughts they gave me. After that, that's when I have my own inner self and conscience formulate a plan of action, which always morphs into something that shows me just the kind of person I am. There's always a voice somewhere inside telling me, "Nicole, I know you really want this, and yes at times it will be scary..but hey, what is it that you're really scared of?" Nonsense. All those 'what if' questions you have are just nonsense. Just go for it! If you fail you fail, but hey, at the least you can say you tried, and you did it.

Does it work all the time? No, but guess what? That's life, the cards won't always be in your favor. However, even though I've faced my fears and jumped when I didn't want to, I can look back and say that I have had more success tackling my fears then not. My point is look, I mean really look at the fears you have in your life that are holding you back from whatever is standing in the way between you and something you want to accomplish. Are they really that big, or are you making them that way? By making excuses, you just give more life to your fears.

 Releasing the Fear // thought provoking post by @Katy Widrick on facing your fears, and taking the power back:

Fear is something we all possess whether we admit it or not. The choice to move past it or keep letting it consume you is in your hands. Admitting and acknowledging your fear is the first big step you can make for yourself.


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